Plot type: Histogram bins the data by a single field and displays count of objects per bin. Heatmap bins the data by two fields and displays count as color. Conditional distribution bins the data by one field and displays the distribution of a second field within that bin as a boxplot (range and quartiles). Shows a scatterplot of a (random subset) of actual data points.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
Count: Choose whether the object count per bin is shown in linear or log scale. Count is shown on the Y axis. Count is shown on the color (Z) axis.
Active Filters
reset all
Use "*" as wildcard
μ : {{filter.aggs.avg?filter.render(filter.aggs.avg):'no data'}}
Examples:{{ bucket.key }}




Select field to filter
Random Sample
Python Query

Example python code to apply the above filters and retrieve data. To use, download and install this module.

Fields Dictionary
Field Variable Type Units Description
source_id source_id long Unique source identifier
random_index random_index long Random index used to select subsets
ref_epoch ref_epoch double year Reference epoch (J2015.5) in Julian years
pos float Barycentric position
ra ra double deg Barycentric right ascension of the source
ra_error ra_error double mas Standard error of right ascension
dec dec double deg Barycentric declination of the source
dec_error dec_error double mas Standard error of declination
parallax parallax double mas Absolute parallax of the source
parallax_error parallax_error double mas Standard error of parallax
parallax_over_error parallax_over_error float Parallax divided by its standard error
pm double mas/year Proper motion
pmra pmra double mas/year Proper motion in right ascension (pmra) direction
ra_error pmra_error double mas/year Standard error of proper motion in right ascension direction
pmdec pmdec double mas/year Proper motion in declination direction
pmdec_error pmdec_error double mas/year Standard error of proper motion in declination direction
corr float Correlation
ra_dec ra_dec_corr float Correlation between right ascension and declination
ra_parallax ra_parallax_corr float Correlation between right ascension and parallax
ra_pmra ra_pmra_corr float Correlation between right ascension and pmra
ra_pmdec ra_pmdec_corr float Correlation between right ascension and proper motion in declination
dec_parallax dec_parallax_corr float Correlation between declination and parallax
dec_pmra dec_pmra_corr float Correlation between declination and pmra
dec_pmdec dec_pmdec_corr float Correlation between declination and proper motion in declination
parallax_pmra parallax_pmra_corr float Correlation between parallax and pmra
parallax_pmdec parallax_pmdec_corr float Correlation between parallax and proper motion in declination
pmra_pmdec pmra_pmdec_corr float Correlation between pmra and proper motion in declination
astrometry float
n_obs_al astrometric_n_obs_al integer Total number of AL observations (=CCD transits), independent of their weight
n_obs_ac astrometric_n_obs_ac integer Total number of AC observations (=CCD transits), independent of their weight
n_good_obs_al astrometric_n_good_obs_al integer Number of good AL observations (not strongly downweighted)
n_bad_obs_al astrometric_n_bad_obs_al integer Number of bad AL observations (strongly downweighted)
gof_al astrometric_gof_al float Goodness of fit statistic of model wrt along-scan observations
chi2_al astrometric_chi2_al float \({\chi}^2\) value in the AL direction
excess_noise astrometric_excess_noise double mas Excess noise of the source
excess_noise_sig astrometric_excess_noise_sig double Significance of excess noise
params_solved astrometric_params_solved byte Binary code indicating which parameters were estimated for the source
primary_flag astrometric_primary_flag boolean Indicator if this source was used as a primary (true) or secondary (false)
weight_al astrometric_weight_al float \(mas^{-2}\) Mean astrometric weight of the source in the AL direction
pseudo_colour astrometric_pseudo_colour double \(\mu{m}^{-1}\) Astrometrically determined pseudocolour of the source
pseudo_colour_error astrometric_pseudo_colour_error double \(\mu{m}^{-1}\) Standard error of the pseudocolour of the source
mean_varpi_factor_al mean_varpi_factor_al float Mean Parallax factor in the AL direction
matched_observations astrometric_matched_observations short Matched FOV transits used in the AGIS solution
visibility_periods_used visibility_periods_used short Number of visibility periods used in astrometric solution
sigma5d_max astrometric_sigma5d_max float mas The longest semi-major axis of the 5-d error ellipsoid
frame_rotator_object_type frame_rotator_object_type integer The type of the source mainly used for frame rotation
matched_observations matched_observations short Amount of observations matched to this source
duplicated_source duplicated_source boolean Source with duplicate sources
phot_g float G-band photometry
n_obs phot_g_n_obs integer Number of observations contributing to G photometry
mean_flux phot_g_mean_flux double \({e^-}/s\) G-band mean flux
mean_flux_error phot_g_mean_flux_error double \({e^-}/s\) Error on G-band mean flux
mean_flux_over_error phot_g_mean_flux_over_error float G-band mean flux divided by its error
mean_mag phot_g_mean_mag float mag G-band mean magnitude
phot_bp float BP photometry
n_obj phot_bp_n_obs integer Number of observations contributing to BP photometry
mean_flux phot_bp_mean_flux double \({e^-}/s\) Integrated BP mean flux
mean_flux_error phot_bp_mean_flux_error double \({e^-}/s\) Error on the integrated BP mean flux
mean_flux_over_error phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error float Integrated BP mean flux divided by its error
mean_mag phot_bp_mean_mag float mag Integrated BP mean magnitude
phot_rp float RP photometry
n_obs phot_rp_n_obs integer Number of observations contributing to RP photometry
mean_flux phot_rp_mean_flux double \({e^-}/s\) Integrated RP mean flux
mean_flux_error phot_rp_mean_flux_error double \({e^-}/s\) Error on the integrated RP mean flux
mean_flux_over_error phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error float Integrated RP mean flux divided by its error
mean_mag phot_rp_mean_mag float mag Integrated RP mean magnitude
phot_bp_rp_excess_factor phot_bp_rp_excess_factor float BP/RP excess factor
phot_proc_mode phot_proc_mode byte Photometry processing mode (0=gold, 1=silver, 2=bronze)
bp_rp bp_rp float mag BP - RP colour
bp_g bp_g float mag BP - G colour
g_rp g_rp float mag G - RP colour
radial_velocity radial_velocity double km/s Radial velocity
radial_velocity_error radial_velocity_error double km/s Radial velocity error
rv_nb_transits rv_nb_transits integer Number of transits used to compute radial velocity
rv_template_teff rv_template_teff float K Teff of the template used to compute radial velocity
rv_template_logg rv_template_logg float log cgs logg of the template used to compute radial velocity
rv_template_fe_h rv_template_fe_h float dex Fe/H of the template used to compute radial velocity
phot_variable_flag phot_variable_flag byte Photometric variability flag (-1=NOT_AVAILABLE)
l l double deg Galactic longitude
b b double deg Galactic latitude
ecl_lon ecl_lon double deg Ecliptic longitude
ecl_lat ecl_lat double deg Ecliptic latitude
priam_flags priam_flags long flags for the Apsis-Priam results
teff float K stellar effective temperature
val teff_val float K Stellar effective temperature
lower teff_percentile_lower float K lower uncertainty
upper teff_percentile_upper float K upper uncertainty
a_g float mag line-of-sight extinction in the G band, A_G
val a_g_val float mag line-of-sight extinction in the G band, A_G
lower a_g_percentile_lower float mag lower uncertainty
upper a_g_percentile_upper float mag upper uncertainty
e_bp_min_rp float mag line-of-sight reddening E(BP-RP)
val e_bp_min_rp_val float mag line-of-sight reddening E(BP-RP)
lower e_bp_min_rp_percentile_lower float mag lower uncertainty
upper e_bp_min_rp_percentile_upper float mag upper uncertainty
flame_flags flame_flags long Flags for the Apsis-FLAME results
radius float \(r_\odot\) stellar radius
val radius_val float \(r_\odot\)
lower radius_percentile_lower float \(r_\odot\) lower uncertainty
upper radius_percentile_upper float \(r_\odot\) upper uncertainty
lum float \(L_\odot\) stellar luminosity
val lum_val float L_sun Stellar luminosity
lower lum_percentile_lower float \(L_\odot\) lower uncertainty
upper lum_percentile_upper float \(L_\odot\) upper uncertainty
About Catalog

Gaia Data Release 2 source catalog from the European Space Agency, released Apr 25 2018.

More under:

Active Filters



Raw Data
source_id Unique source identifier random_index Random index used to select subsets ref_epoch
year Reference epoch (J2015.5) in Julian years
pos Barycentric position parallax
mas Absolute parallax of the source
mas Standard error of parallax
parallax_over_error Parallax divided by its standard error pm mas/year Proper motion corr Correlation astrometry frame_rotator_object_type The type of the source mainly used for frame rotation matched_observations Amount of observations matched to this source duplicated_source Source with duplicate sources phot_g G-band photometry phot_bp BP photometry phot_rp RP photometry phot_bp_rp_excess_factor BP/RP excess factor phot_proc_mode Photometry processing mode (0=gold, 1=silver, 2=bronze) bp_rp
mag BP - RP colour
mag BP - G colour
mag G - RP colour
km/s Radial velocity
km/s Radial velocity error
rv_nb_transits Number of transits used to compute radial velocity rv_template_teff
K Teff of the template used to compute radial velocity
log cgs logg of the template used to compute radial velocity
dex Fe/H of the template used to compute radial velocity
phot_variable_flag Photometric variability flag (-1=NOT_AVAILABLE) l
deg Galactic longitude
deg Galactic latitude
deg Ecliptic longitude
deg Ecliptic latitude
priam_flags flags for the Apsis-Priam results teff K stellar effective temperature a_g mag line-of-sight extinction in the G band, A_G e_bp_min_rp mag line-of-sight reddening E(BP-RP) flame_flags Flags for the Apsis-FLAME results radius \(r_\odot\) stellar radius lum \(L_\odot\) stellar luminosity
ra deg Barycentric right ascension of the source ra_error mas Standard error of right ascension dec deg Barycentric declination of the source dec_error mas Standard error of declination pmra mas/year Proper motion in right ascension (pmra) direction ra_error mas/year Standard error of proper motion in right ascension direction pmdec mas/year Proper motion in declination direction pmdec_error mas/year Standard error of proper motion in declination direction ra_dec Correlation between right ascension and declination ra_parallax Correlation between right ascension and parallax ra_pmra Correlation between right ascension and pmra ra_pmdec Correlation between right ascension and proper motion in declination dec_parallax Correlation between declination and parallax dec_pmra Correlation between declination and pmra dec_pmdec Correlation between declination and proper motion in declination parallax_pmra Correlation between parallax and pmra parallax_pmdec Correlation between parallax and proper motion in declination pmra_pmdec Correlation between pmra and proper motion in declination n_obs_al Total number of AL observations (=CCD transits), independent of their weight n_obs_ac Total number of AC observations (=CCD transits), independent of their weight n_good_obs_al Number of good AL observations (not strongly downweighted) n_bad_obs_al Number of bad AL observations (strongly downweighted) gof_al Goodness of fit statistic of model wrt along-scan observations chi2_al \({\chi}^2\) value in the AL direction excess_noise mas Excess noise of the source excess_noise_sig Significance of excess noise params_solved Binary code indicating which parameters were estimated for the source primary_flag Indicator if this source was used as a primary (true) or secondary (false) weight_al \(mas^{-2}\) Mean astrometric weight of the source in the AL direction pseudo_colour \(\mu{m}^{-1}\) Astrometrically determined pseudocolour of the source pseudo_colour_error \(\mu{m}^{-1}\) Standard error of the pseudocolour of the source mean_varpi_factor_al Mean Parallax factor in the AL direction matched_observations Matched FOV transits used in the AGIS solution visibility_periods_used Number of visibility periods used in astrometric solution sigma5d_max mas The longest semi-major axis of the 5-d error ellipsoid n_obs Number of observations contributing to G photometry mean_flux \({e^-}/s\) G-band mean flux mean_flux_error \({e^-}/s\) Error on G-band mean flux mean_flux_over_error G-band mean flux divided by its error mean_mag mag G-band mean magnitude n_obj Number of observations contributing to BP photometry mean_flux \({e^-}/s\) Integrated BP mean flux mean_flux_error \({e^-}/s\) Error on the integrated BP mean flux mean_flux_over_error Integrated BP mean flux divided by its error mean_mag mag Integrated BP mean magnitude n_obs Number of observations contributing to RP photometry mean_flux \({e^-}/s\) Integrated RP mean flux mean_flux_error \({e^-}/s\) Error on the integrated RP mean flux mean_flux_over_error Integrated RP mean flux divided by its error mean_mag mag Integrated RP mean magnitude val K Stellar effective temperature lower K lower uncertainty upper K upper uncertainty val mag line-of-sight extinction in the G band, A_G lower mag lower uncertainty upper mag upper uncertainty val mag line-of-sight reddening E(BP-RP) lower mag lower uncertainty upper mag upper uncertainty val \(r_\odot\) lower \(r_\odot\) lower uncertainty upper \(r_\odot\) upper uncertainty val L_sun Stellar luminosity lower \(L_\odot\) lower uncertainty upper \(L_\odot\) upper uncertainty