Plot type: Histogram bins the data by a single field and displays count of objects per bin. Heatmap bins the data by two fields and displays count as color. Conditional distribution bins the data by one field and displays the distribution of a second field within that bin as a boxplot (range and quartiles). Shows a scatterplot of a (random subset) of actual data points.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
Count: Choose whether the object count per bin is shown in linear or log scale. Count is shown on the Y axis. Count is shown on the color (Z) axis.
Active Filters
reset all
Use "*" as wildcard
μ : {{filter.aggs.avg?filter.render(filter.aggs.avg):'no data'}}
Examples:{{ bucket.key }}




Select field to filter
Random Sample
Python Query

Example python code to apply the above filters and retrieve data. To use, download and install this module.

Fields Dictionary
Field Variable Type Units Description
simulation simulation byte e.g. 'Illustris-1' or 'Illustris-2-Dark'.
snap snapshot short snapshot number
time time float Scalefactor of the snapshot corresponding to this group catalog.
z redshift float Redshift of the snapshot corresponding to this group catalog.
type type boolean
id id integer Group index number
Group float FoF halos
BHMass Group_BHMass float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the BH_Mass field of all blackholes (type 5) in this group.
\(\dot{M}_{\rm BH}\) Group_BHMdot float \((10^{10}M_\odot/h)/(0.978Gyr/h)\) Sum of the BH_Mdot field of all blackholes (type 5) in this group.
CM float ckpc/h Center of mass of the group, computed as the sum of the mass weighted relative coordinates of all particles/cells in the group, of all types. Comoving coordinate. (Available only for the Illustris-3 run)
\({\rm CM}_x\) Group_CM_x float ckpc/h
\({\rm CM}_y\) Group_CM_y float ckpc/h
\({\rm CM}_z\) Group_CM_z float ckpc/h
FirstSub Group_FirstSub integer Index into the Subhalo table of the first/primary/most massive Subfind group within this FoF group. Note: This value is signed (or should be interpreted as signed)! In this case, a value of -1 indicates that this FoF group has no subhalos.
GasMetalFractions float Individual abundances: dimensionless ratio of the total mass in that species divided by the total gas mass, for all gas cells in the group.
H Group_GasMetalFractions_H float
He Group_GasMetalFractions_He float
C Group_GasMetalFractions_C float
N Group_GasMetalFractions_N float
O Group_GasMetalFractions_O float
Ne Group_GasMetalFractions_Ne float
Mg Group_GasMetalFractions_Mg float
Si Group_GasMetalFractions_Si float
Fi Group_GasMetalFractions_Fi float
total Group_GasMetalFractions_total float The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals.
GasMetallicity Group_GasMetallicity float Mass-weighted average metallicity (Mz/Mtot, where Z = any element above He) of all gas cells in this FOF group.
\(N_{\rm part}\) Group_Len integer Integer counter of the total number of particles/cells of all types in this group.
LenType integer Integer counter of the total number of particles/cells, split into the six different types, in this group. Note: Wind phase cells are counted as stars (type 4) for GroupLenType.
\(N_{\rm gas}\) Group_LenType_gas integer
\(N_{\rm DM}\) Group_LenType_dm integer
unused Group_LenType_unused integer
tracers Group_LenType_tracers integer
\(N_{\rm stars}\) Group_LenType_stars integer
\(N_{\rm BH}\) Group_LenType_bh integer
\(M_{\rm tot}\) Group_Mass float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the individual masses of every particle/cell, of all types, in this group.
MassType float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the individual masses of every particle/cell, split into the six different types, in this group. Note: Wind phase cells are counted as gas (type 0) for GroupMassType.
\(M_{\rm gas}\) Group_MassType_gas float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
\(M_{\rm DM}\) Group_MassType_dm float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
unused Group_MassType_unused float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
tracers Group_MassType_tracers float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
\(M_{\star}\) Group_MassType_stars float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
\(M_{\rm BH}\) Group_MassType_bh float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
Nsubs Group_Nsubs integer Count of the total number of Subfind groups within this FoF group.
Pos float ckpc/h Spatial position within the periodic box of the maximum bound particle. Comoving coordinate.
x Group_Pos_x float ckpc/h
y Group_Pos_y float ckpc/h
z Group_Pos_z float ckpc/h
SFR Group_SFR float \(M_\odot/yr\) Sum of the individual star formation rates of all gas cells in this group.
StarMetalFractions float Individual abundances: dimensionless ratio of the total mass in that species divided by the total stellar mass, for all stars in the group.
H Group_StarMetalFractions_H float
He Group_StarMetalFractions_He float
C Group_StarMetalFractions_C float
N Group_StarMetalFractions_N float
O Group_StarMetalFractions_O float
Ne Group_StarMetalFractions_Ne float
Mg Group_StarMetalFractions_Mg float
Si Group_StarMetalFractions_Si float
Fi Group_StarMetalFractions_Fi float
total Group_StarMetalFractions_total float The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals.
StarMetallicity Group_StarMetallicity float Mass-weighted average metallicity (Mz/Mtot, where Z = any element above He) of all star particles in this FOF group.
vel float km/s/a Velocity of the group, computed as the sum of the mass weighted velocities of all particles/cells in this group, of all types. The peculiar velocity is obtained by multiplying this value by \(1/a.\)
\(v_x\) Group_Vel_x float km/s/a
\(v_y\) Group_Vel_y float km/s/a
\(v_z\) Group_Vel_z float km/s/a
WindMass Group_WindMass float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the individual masses of all wind phase gas cells (type 4, BirthTime <= 0) in this group.
M_Crit200 Group_M_Crit200 float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total Mass of this group enclosed in a sphere whose mean density is 200 times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
M_Crit500 Group_M_Crit500 float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total Mass of this group enclosed in a sphere whose mean density is 500 times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
M_Mean200 Group_M_Mean200 float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total Mass of this group enclosed in a sphere whose mean density is 200 times the mean density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
M_TopHat200 Group_M_TopHat200 float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total Mass of this group enclosed in a sphere whose mean density is \(\Delta_c\) times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered. \(\Delta_c\) derives from the solution of the collapse of a spherical top-hat perturbation (fitting formula from Bryan+ 1998, The subscript 200 can be ignored.
R_Crit200 Group_R_Crit200 float ckpc/h Comoving Radius of a sphere centered at the GroupPos of this Group whose mean density is 200 times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
R_Crit500 Group_R_Crit500 float ckpc/h Comoving Radius of a sphere centered at the GroupPos of this Group whose mean density is 500 times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
R_Mean200 Group_R_Mean200 float ckpc/h Comoving Radius of a sphere centered at the GroupPos of this Group whose mean density is 200 times the mean density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
R_TopHat200 Group_R_TopHat200 float ckpc/h Comoving Radius of a sphere centered at the GroupPos of this Group whose mean density is \(\Delta_c\) times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
Subhalo float Subfind Subhalos
id Subhalo_id integer Subgroup index number
Flag Subhalo_Flag boolean Flag field indicating suitability of this subhalo for certain types of analysis. If zero, this subhalo should generally be excluded, and is not thought to be of cosmological origin. That is, it may have formed within an existing halo, or is possibly a baryonic fragment of a disk or other galactic structure identified by Subfind. If one, this subhalo should be considered a 'galaxy' or 'satellite' of cosmological origin. (Note: always true for centrals).
BHMass Subhalo_BHMass float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the masses of all blackholes in this subhalo.
BHMdot Subhalo_BHMdot float \((10^{10}M_\odot/h)/(0.978Gyr/h)\) Sum of the instantaneous accretion rates \(\dot{M}\) of all blackholes in this subhalo.
BfldDisk Subhalo_BfldDisk float \((h/a^2)(\rm{UnitPressure})^{1/2}\) The square root of the volume weighted value of $B^{2}$ for all gas cells within the canonical two times the stellar half mass radius. This value gives a magnetic field strength which would have the same amount of mean magnetic energy as the galaxy cells.
BfldHalo Subhalo_BfldHalo float \((h/a^2)(\rm{UnitPressure})^{1/2}\) The square root of the volume weighted value of $B^{2}$ for all gas cells in the subhalo. This value gives a magnetic field strength which would have the same amount of mean magnetic energy as the subhalo cells.
CM float ckpc/h Comoving center of mass of the Subhalo, computed as the sum of the mass weighted relative coordinates of all particles/cells in the Subhalo, of all types.
x Subhalo_CM_x float ckpc/h
y Subhalo_CM_y float ckpc/h
z Subhalo_CM_z float ckpc/h
GasMetalFractions float Individual abundances: dimensionless ratio of the total mass in that species divided by the total gas mass, both restricted to gas cells within twice the stellar half mass radius.
H Subhalo_GasMetalFractions_H float
He Subhalo_GasMetalFractions_He float
C Subhalo_GasMetalFractions_C float
N Subhalo_GasMetalFractions_N float
O Subhalo_GasMetalFractions_O float
Ne Subhalo_GasMetalFractions_Ne float
Mg Subhalo_GasMetalFractions_Mg float
Si Subhalo_GasMetalFractions_Si float
Fi Subhalo_GasMetalFractions_Fi float
total Subhalo_GasMetalFractions_total float The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals.
GasMetalFractionsHalfRad float Same as GasMetalFractions, but restricted to cells within the stellar half mass radius.
H Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsHalfRad_H float
He Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsHalfRad_He float
C Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsHalfRad_C float
N Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsHalfRad_N float
O Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsHalfRad_O float
Ne Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsHalfRad_Ne float
Mg Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsHalfRad_Mg float
Si Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsHalfRad_Si float
Fi Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsHalfRad_Fi float
total Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsHalfRad_total float The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals.
GasMetalFractionsMaxRad float Same as GasMetalFractions, but restricted to cells within the radius of $V_{ m max}
H Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsMaxRad_H float
He Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsMaxRad_He float
C Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsMaxRad_C float
N Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsMaxRad_N float
O Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsMaxRad_O float
Ne Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsMaxRad_Ne float
Mg Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsMaxRad_Mg float
Si Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsMaxRad_Si float
Fi Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsMaxRad_Fi float
total Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsMaxRad_total float The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals.
GasMetalFractionsSfr float Same as GasMetalFractions, but restricted to cells which are star-forming.
H Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfr_H float
He Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfr_He float
C Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfr_C float
N Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfr_N float
O Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfr_O float
Ne Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfr_Ne float
Mg Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfr_Mg float
Si Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfr_Si float
Fi Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfr_Fi float
total Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfr_total float The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals.
GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted float Same as GasMetalFractions, but weighted by the cell star-formation rate rather than the cell mass.
H Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted_H float
He Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted_He float
C Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted_C float
N Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted_N float
O Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted_O float
Ne Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted_Ne float
Mg Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted_Mg float
Si Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted_Si float
Fi Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted_Fi float
total Subhalo_GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted_total float The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals.
GasMetallicity Subhalo_GasMetallicity float Mass-weighted average metallicity (Mz/Mtot, where Z = any element above He) of the gas cells bound to this Subhalo, but restricted to cells within twice the stellar half mass radius.
GasMetallicityHalfRad Subhalo_GasMetallicityHalfRad float Same as SubhaloGasMetallicity, but restricted to cells within the stellar half mass radius.
GasMetallicityMaxRad Subhalo_GasMetallicityMaxRad float Same as SubhaloGasMetallicity, but restricted to cells within the radius of \(V_{max}\).
GasMetallicitySfr Subhalo_GasMetallicitySfr float Mass-weighted average metallicity (Mz/Mtot, where Z = any element above He) of the gas cells bound to this Subhalo, but restricted to cells which are star forming.
GasMetallicitySfrWeighted Subhalo_GasMetallicitySfrWeighted float Same as SubhaloGasMetallicitySfr, but weighted by the cell star-formation rate rather than the cell mass.
GrNr Subhalo_GrNr integer Index into the Group table of the FOF host/parent of this Subhalo.
HalfmassRad Subhalo_HalfmassRad float ckpc/h Comoving radius containing half of the total mass (SubhaloMass) of this Subhalo.
HalfmassRadType float ckpc/h Comoving radius containing half of the mass of this Subhalo split by Type (SubhaloMassType).
gas Subhalo_HalfmassRadType_gas float ckpc/h
dm Subhalo_HalfmassRadType_dm float ckpc/h
unused Subhalo_HalfmassRadType_unused float ckpc/h
tracers Subhalo_HalfmassRadType_tracers float ckpc/h
stars Subhalo_HalfmassRadType_stars float ckpc/h
bh Subhalo_HalfmassRadType_bh float ckpc/h
IDMostbound Subhalo_IDMostbound long The ID of the particle with the smallest binding energy (could be any type).
Len Subhalo_Len integer Total number of member particle/cells in this Subhalo, of all types.
LenType integer Total number of member particle/cells in this Subhalo, separated by type.
gas Subhalo_LenType_gas integer
dm Subhalo_LenType_dm integer
unused Subhalo_LenType_unused integer
tracers Subhalo_LenType_tracers integer
stars Subhalo_LenType_stars integer
bh Subhalo_LenType_bh integer
Mass Subhalo_Mass float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total mass of all member particle/cells which are bound to this Subhalo, of all types. Particle/cells bound to subhaloes of this Subhalo are NOT accounted for.
MassInHalfRad Subhalo_MassInHalfRad float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells within the stellar half mass radius.
MassInHalfRadType float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells (split by type) within the stellar half mass radius.
gas Subhalo_MassInHalfRadType_gas float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
dm Subhalo_MassInHalfRadType_dm float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
unused Subhalo_MassInHalfRadType_unused float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
tracers Subhalo_MassInHalfRadType_tracers float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
stars Subhalo_MassInHalfRadType_stars float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
bh Subhalo_MassInHalfRadType_bh float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
MassInMaxRad Subhalo_MassInMaxRad float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells within the radius of \(V_{max}\).
MassInMaxRadType float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells (split by type) within the radius of \(V_{max}\).
gas Subhalo_MassInMaxRadType_gas float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
dm Subhalo_MassInMaxRadType_dm float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
unused Subhalo_MassInMaxRadType_unused float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
tracers Subhalo_MassInMaxRadType_tracers float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
stars Subhalo_MassInMaxRadType_stars float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
bh Subhalo_MassInMaxRadType_bh float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
MassInRad Subhalo_MassInRad float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells within twice the stellar half mass radius.
MassInRadType float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells (split by type) within twice the stellar half mass radius.
gas Subhalo_MassInRadType_gas float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
dm Subhalo_MassInRadType_dm float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
unused Subhalo_MassInRadType_unused float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
tracers Subhalo_MassInRadType_tracers float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
stars Subhalo_MassInRadType_stars float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
bh Subhalo_MassInRadType_bh float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
MassType float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total mass of all member particle/cells which are bound to this Subhalo, separated by type. Particle/cells bound to subhaloes of this Subhalo are NOT accounted for. Note: Wind phase cells are counted as gas (type 0) for SubhaloMassType.
gas Subhalo_MassType_gas float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
dm Subhalo_MassType_dm float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
unused Subhalo_MassType_unused float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
tracers Subhalo_MassType_tracers float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
stars Subhalo_MassType_stars float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
bh Subhalo_MassType_bh float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\)
Parent Subhalo_Parent integer Index back into this same Subhalo table of the unique Subfind host/parent of this Subhalo. This index is local to the group (i.e. 2 indicates the third most massive subhalo of the parent halo of this subhalo, not the third most massive of the whole snapshot). The values are often zero for all subhalos of a group, indicating that there is no resolved hierarchical structure in that group, beyond the primary subhalo having as direct children all of the secondary subhalos.
Pos float ckpc/h Spatial position within the periodic box of the maximum bound particle. Comoving coordinate.
x Subhalo_Pos_x float ckpc/h
y Subhalo_Pos_y float ckpc/h
z Subhalo_Pos_z float ckpc/h
SFR Subhalo_SFR float \(M_\odot/yr\) Sum of the individual star formation rates of all gas cells in this subhalo.
SFRinHalfRad Subhalo_SFRinHalfRad float \(M_\odot/yr\) Same as SubhaloSFR, but restricted to cells within the stellar half mass radius.
SFRinMaxRad Subhalo_SFRinMaxRad float \(M_\odot/yr\) Same as SubhaloSFR, but restricted to cells within the radius of \(V_{max}\).
SFRinRad Subhalo_SFRinRad float \(M_\odot/yr\) Same as SubhaloSFR, but restricted to cells within twice the stellar half mass radius.
Spin float \((kpc/h)(km/s)\) Total spin per axis, computed for each as the mass weighted sum of the relative coordinate times relative velocity of all member particles/cells.
x Subhalo_Spin_x float \((kpc/h)(km/s)\)
y Subhalo_Spin_y float \((kpc/h)(km/s)\)
z Subhalo_Spin_z float \((kpc/h)(km/s)\)
StarMetalFractions float Individual abundances: dimensionless ratio of the total mass in that species divided by the total stellar mass, both restricted to stars within twice the stellar half mass radius.
H Subhalo_StarMetalFractions_H float
He Subhalo_StarMetalFractions_He float
C Subhalo_StarMetalFractions_C float
N Subhalo_StarMetalFractions_N float
O Subhalo_StarMetalFractions_O float
Ne Subhalo_StarMetalFractions_Ne float
Mg Subhalo_StarMetalFractions_Mg float
Si Subhalo_StarMetalFractions_Si float
Fi Subhalo_StarMetalFractions_Fi float
total Subhalo_StarMetalFractions_total float The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals.
StarMetalFractionsHalfRad float Same as StarMetalFractions, but restricted to cells within the stellar half mass radius.
H Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsHalfRad_H float
He Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsHalfRad_He float
C Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsHalfRad_C float
N Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsHalfRad_N float
O Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsHalfRad_O float
Ne Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsHalfRad_Ne float
Mg Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsHalfRad_Mg float
Si Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsHalfRad_Si float
Fi Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsHalfRad_Fi float
total Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsHalfRad_total float The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals.
StarMetalFractionsMaxRad float Same as StarMetalFractions, but restricted to stars within the radius of $V_{ m max}$.
H Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsMaxRad_H float
He Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsMaxRad_He float
C Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsMaxRad_C float
N Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsMaxRad_N float
O Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsMaxRad_O float
Ne Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsMaxRad_Ne float
Mg Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsMaxRad_Mg float
Si Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsMaxRad_Si float
Fi Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsMaxRad_Fi float
total Subhalo_StarMetalFractionsMaxRad_total float The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals.
StarMetallicity Subhalo_StarMetallicity float - Mass-weighted average metallicity (Mz/Mtot, where Z = any element above He) of the star particles bound to this Subhalo, but restricted to stars within twice the stellar half mass radius.
StarMetallicityHalfRad Subhalo_StarMetallicityHalfRad float Same as SubhaloStarMetallicity, but restricted to stars within the stellar half mass radius.
StarMetallicityMaxRad Subhalo_StarMetallicityMaxRad float - Same as SubhaloStarMetallicity, but restricted to stars within the radius of \(V_{max}\).
StellarPhotometrics float mag Eight bands: U, B, V, K, g, r, i, z. Magnitudes based on the summed-up luminosities of all the stellar particles of the group. For details on the bands, see snapshot table for stars.
U Subhalo_StellarPhotometrics_U float mag
B Subhalo_StellarPhotometrics_B float mag
V Subhalo_StellarPhotometrics_V float mag
K Subhalo_StellarPhotometrics_K float mag
g Subhalo_StellarPhotometrics_g float mag
r Subhalo_StellarPhotometrics_r float mag
i Subhalo_StellarPhotometrics_i float mag
z Subhalo_StellarPhotometrics_z float mag
StellarPhotometricsMassInRad Subhalo_StellarPhotometricsMassInRad float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the mass of the member stellar particles, but restricted to stars within the radius SubhaloStellarPhotometricsRad.
StellarPhotometricsRad Subhalo_StellarPhotometricsRad float ckpc/h Radius at which the surface brightness profile (computed from all member stellar particles) drops below the limit of 20.7 mag arcsec\(^{-2}\) in the K band (in comoving units).
Vel float km/s Peculiar velocity of the group, computed as the sum of the mass weighted velocities of all particles/cells in this group, of all types. No unit conversion is needed.
x Subhalo_Vel_x float km/s
y Subhalo_Vel_y float km/s
z Subhalo_Vel_z float km/s
VelDisp Subhalo_VelDisp float km/s One-dimensional velocity dispersion of all the member particles/cells (the 3D dispersion divided by \(\sqrt{3}\)).
Vmax Subhalo_Vmax float km/s Maximum value of the spherically-averaged rotation curve.
VmaxRad Subhalo_VmaxRad float kpc/h Comoving radius of rotation curve maximum (where \(V_{max}\) is achieved).
WindMass Subhalo_WindMass float \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all wind-phase cells in this subhalo (with Type==4 and BirthTime&#60;=0).
HalfMassProjRad_DM Subhalo_HalfMassProjRad_DM float pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the dark matter mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
Gas_Spin float pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass of all gas relative to the CentreOfMass.
x Subhalo_Gas_Spin_x float pkpc km s-1
y Subhalo_Gas_Spin_y float pkpc km s-1
z Subhalo_Gas_Spin_z float pkpc km s-1
HalfMassProjRad float pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
BH Subhalo_HalfMassProjRad_BH float pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the black hole mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections). This is constructed from the particle masses and not from the subgrid masses.
Gas Subhalo_HalfMassProjRad_Gas float pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the gas mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
Star Subhalo_HalfMassProjRad_Star float pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the stellar mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
InitialMassWeightedBirthZ Subhalo_InitialMassWeightedBirthZ float z Mean redshift of formation of stars, weighted by birth mass.
InitialMassWeightedStellarAge Subhalo_InitialMassWeightedStellarAge float Gyr Mean age of stars, weighted by birth mass.
Stars_Spin float pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass relative to the CentreOfMass.
x Subhalo_Stars_Spin_x float pkpc km s-1
y Subhalo_Stars_Spin_y float pkpc km s-1
z Subhalo_Stars_Spin_z float pkpc km s-1
StellarInitialMass Subhalo_StellarInitialMass float Msun Sum of birth masses of all stars.
StellarVelDisp Subhalo_StellarVelDisp float km s-1 Average one dimensional velocity dispersion of stars.
ThermalEnergy Subhalo_ThermalEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total thermal energy of the gas particles.
Aperture float Measurements within a given aperture from the center of potential, available aperture sizes are: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70 and 100 pkpc.
Mass_BH float Msun Total (particle) mass of all black holes within the aperture.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_1 float Msun
3 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_3 float Msun
5 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_5 float Msun
10 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_10 float Msun
20 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_20 float Msun
30 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_30 float Msun
40 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_40 float Msun
50 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_50 float Msun
70 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_70 float Msun
100 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_100 float Msun
Mass_DM float Msun Total dark matter mass within the aperture.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_1 float Msun
3 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_3 float Msun
5 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_5 float Msun
10 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_10 float Msun
20 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_20 float Msun
30 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_30 float Msun
40 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_40 float Msun
50 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_50 float Msun
70 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_70 float Msun
100 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_100 float Msun
Mass_Gas float Msun Total gas mass within the aperture.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_1 float Msun
3 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_3 float Msun
5 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_5 float Msun
10 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_10 float Msun
20 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_20 float Msun
30 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_30 float Msun
40 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_40 float Msun
50 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_50 float Msun
70 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_70 float Msun
100 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_100 float Msun
Mass_Star float Msun Total stellar mass within the aperture.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_1 float Msun
3 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_3 float Msun
5 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_5 float Msun
10 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_10 float Msun
20 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_20 float Msun
30 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_30 float Msun
40 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_40 float Msun
50 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_50 float Msun
70 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_70 float Msun
100 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_100 float Msun
SFR float yr-1 Star formation rate within the aperture.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_1 float yr-1
3 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_3 float yr-1
5 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_5 float yr-1
10 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_10 float yr-1
20 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_20 float yr-1
30 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_30 float yr-1
40 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_40 float yr-1
50 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_50 float yr-1
70 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_70 float yr-1
100 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_100 float yr-1
VelDisp float km s-1 Stellar velocity dispersion within the aperture, with respect to the centre of mass of the galaxy.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_1 float km s-1
3 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_3 float km s-1
5 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_5 float km s-1
10 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_10 float km s-1
20 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_20 float km s-1
30 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_30 float km s-1
40 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_40 float km s-1
50 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_50 float km s-1
70 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_70 float km s-1
100 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_100 float km s-1
Sizes float
R_halfmass100 Subhalo_Sizes_R_halfmass100 float pkpc Half mass radius computed for mass within a spherical 100 pkpc aperture.
R_halfmass100_projected Subhalo_Sizes_R_halfmass100_projected float pkpc Projected half mass radius computed for mass within a 100 pkpc aperture (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
R_halfmass30 Subhalo_Sizes_R_halfmass30 float pkpc Half mass radius computed for mass within a spherical 30 pkpc aperture.
R_halfmass30_projected Subhalo_Sizes_R_halfmass30_projected float pkpc Projected half mass radius computed for mass within a 30 pkpc aperture (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
About Catalog

IllustrisTNG combined FoF Halo and Subfind Subhalo (Galaxies) catalogs. Any publication using data from TNG100 or TNG300 should cite Pillepich+ (2018), Springel+ (2018), Nelson+ (2018), Naiman+ (2018), and Marinacci+ (2018). Any publication using data from TNG50 should cite Pillepich+ (2019) and Nelson+ (2019). Extensive details about these simulations and the data available here are available at

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Raw Data
simulation e.g. 'Illustris-1' or 'Illustris-2-Dark'. snap snapshot number time Scalefactor of the snapshot corresponding to this group catalog. z Redshift of the snapshot corresponding to this group catalog. type id Group index number Group FoF halos Subhalo Subfind Subhalos
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the BH_Mass field of all blackholes (type 5) in this group.
\(\dot{M}_{\rm BH}\)
\((10^{10}M_\odot/h)/(0.978Gyr/h)\) Sum of the BH_Mdot field of all blackholes (type 5) in this group.
CM ckpc/h Center of mass of the group, computed as the sum of the mass weighted relative coordinates of all particles/cells in the group, of all types. Comoving coordinate. (Available only for the Illustris-3 run) FirstSub Index into the Subhalo table of the first/primary/most massive Subfind group within this FoF group. Note: This value is signed (or should be interpreted as signed)! In this case, a value of -1 indicates that this FoF group has no subhalos. GasMetalFractions Individual abundances: dimensionless ratio of the total mass in that species divided by the total gas mass, for all gas cells in the group. GasMetallicity Mass-weighted average metallicity (Mz/Mtot, where Z = any element above He) of all gas cells in this FOF group. \(N_{\rm part}\) Integer counter of the total number of particles/cells of all types in this group. LenType Integer counter of the total number of particles/cells, split into the six different types, in this group. Note: Wind phase cells are counted as stars (type 4) for GroupLenType. \(M_{\rm tot}\)
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the individual masses of every particle/cell, of all types, in this group.
MassType \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the individual masses of every particle/cell, split into the six different types, in this group. Note: Wind phase cells are counted as gas (type 0) for GroupMassType. Nsubs Count of the total number of Subfind groups within this FoF group. Pos ckpc/h Spatial position within the periodic box of the maximum bound particle. Comoving coordinate. SFR
\(M_\odot/yr\) Sum of the individual star formation rates of all gas cells in this group.
StarMetalFractions Individual abundances: dimensionless ratio of the total mass in that species divided by the total stellar mass, for all stars in the group. StarMetallicity Mass-weighted average metallicity (Mz/Mtot, where Z = any element above He) of all star particles in this FOF group. vel km/s/a Velocity of the group, computed as the sum of the mass weighted velocities of all particles/cells in this group, of all types. The peculiar velocity is obtained by multiplying this value by \(1/a.\) WindMass
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the individual masses of all wind phase gas cells (type 4, BirthTime <= 0) in this group.
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total Mass of this group enclosed in a sphere whose mean density is 200 times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total Mass of this group enclosed in a sphere whose mean density is 500 times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total Mass of this group enclosed in a sphere whose mean density is 200 times the mean density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total Mass of this group enclosed in a sphere whose mean density is \(\Delta_c\) times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered. \(\Delta_c\) derives from the solution of the collapse of a spherical top-hat perturbation (fitting formula from Bryan+ 1998, The subscript 200 can be ignored.
ckpc/h Comoving Radius of a sphere centered at the GroupPos of this Group whose mean density is 200 times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
ckpc/h Comoving Radius of a sphere centered at the GroupPos of this Group whose mean density is 500 times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
ckpc/h Comoving Radius of a sphere centered at the GroupPos of this Group whose mean density is 200 times the mean density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
ckpc/h Comoving Radius of a sphere centered at the GroupPos of this Group whose mean density is \(\Delta_c\) times the critical density of the Universe, at the time the halo is considered.
id Subgroup index number Flag Flag field indicating suitability of this subhalo for certain types of analysis. If zero, this subhalo should generally be excluded, and is not thought to be of cosmological origin. That is, it may have formed within an existing halo, or is possibly a baryonic fragment of a disk or other galactic structure identified by Subfind. If one, this subhalo should be considered a 'galaxy' or 'satellite' of cosmological origin. (Note: always true for centrals). BHMass
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the masses of all blackholes in this subhalo.
\((10^{10}M_\odot/h)/(0.978Gyr/h)\) Sum of the instantaneous accretion rates \(\dot{M}\) of all blackholes in this subhalo.
\((h/a^2)(\rm{UnitPressure})^{1/2}\) The square root of the volume weighted value of $B^{2}$ for all gas cells within the canonical two times the stellar half mass radius. This value gives a magnetic field strength which would have the same amount of mean magnetic energy as the galaxy cells.
\((h/a^2)(\rm{UnitPressure})^{1/2}\) The square root of the volume weighted value of $B^{2}$ for all gas cells in the subhalo. This value gives a magnetic field strength which would have the same amount of mean magnetic energy as the subhalo cells.
CM ckpc/h Comoving center of mass of the Subhalo, computed as the sum of the mass weighted relative coordinates of all particles/cells in the Subhalo, of all types. GasMetalFractions Individual abundances: dimensionless ratio of the total mass in that species divided by the total gas mass, both restricted to gas cells within twice the stellar half mass radius. GasMetalFractionsHalfRad Same as GasMetalFractions, but restricted to cells within the stellar half mass radius. GasMetalFractionsMaxRad Same as GasMetalFractions, but restricted to cells within the radius of $V_{ m max} GasMetalFractionsSfr Same as GasMetalFractions, but restricted to cells which are star-forming. GasMetalFractionsSfrWeighted Same as GasMetalFractions, but weighted by the cell star-formation rate rather than the cell mass. GasMetallicity Mass-weighted average metallicity (Mz/Mtot, where Z = any element above He) of the gas cells bound to this Subhalo, but restricted to cells within twice the stellar half mass radius. GasMetallicityHalfRad Same as SubhaloGasMetallicity, but restricted to cells within the stellar half mass radius. GasMetallicityMaxRad Same as SubhaloGasMetallicity, but restricted to cells within the radius of \(V_{max}\). GasMetallicitySfr Mass-weighted average metallicity (Mz/Mtot, where Z = any element above He) of the gas cells bound to this Subhalo, but restricted to cells which are star forming. GasMetallicitySfrWeighted Same as SubhaloGasMetallicitySfr, but weighted by the cell star-formation rate rather than the cell mass. GrNr Index into the Group table of the FOF host/parent of this Subhalo. HalfmassRad
ckpc/h Comoving radius containing half of the total mass (SubhaloMass) of this Subhalo.
HalfmassRadType ckpc/h Comoving radius containing half of the mass of this Subhalo split by Type (SubhaloMassType). IDMostbound The ID of the particle with the smallest binding energy (could be any type). Len Total number of member particle/cells in this Subhalo, of all types. LenType Total number of member particle/cells in this Subhalo, separated by type. Mass
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total mass of all member particle/cells which are bound to this Subhalo, of all types. Particle/cells bound to subhaloes of this Subhalo are NOT accounted for.
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells within the stellar half mass radius.
MassInHalfRadType \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells (split by type) within the stellar half mass radius. MassInMaxRad
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells within the radius of \(V_{max}\).
MassInMaxRadType \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells (split by type) within the radius of \(V_{max}\). MassInRad
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells within twice the stellar half mass radius.
MassInRadType \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all particles/cells (split by type) within twice the stellar half mass radius. MassType \(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Total mass of all member particle/cells which are bound to this Subhalo, separated by type. Particle/cells bound to subhaloes of this Subhalo are NOT accounted for. Note: Wind phase cells are counted as gas (type 0) for SubhaloMassType. Parent Index back into this same Subhalo table of the unique Subfind host/parent of this Subhalo. This index is local to the group (i.e. 2 indicates the third most massive subhalo of the parent halo of this subhalo, not the third most massive of the whole snapshot). The values are often zero for all subhalos of a group, indicating that there is no resolved hierarchical structure in that group, beyond the primary subhalo having as direct children all of the secondary subhalos. Pos ckpc/h Spatial position within the periodic box of the maximum bound particle. Comoving coordinate. SFR
\(M_\odot/yr\) Sum of the individual star formation rates of all gas cells in this subhalo.
\(M_\odot/yr\) Same as SubhaloSFR, but restricted to cells within the stellar half mass radius.
\(M_\odot/yr\) Same as SubhaloSFR, but restricted to cells within the radius of \(V_{max}\).
\(M_\odot/yr\) Same as SubhaloSFR, but restricted to cells within twice the stellar half mass radius.
Spin \((kpc/h)(km/s)\) Total spin per axis, computed for each as the mass weighted sum of the relative coordinate times relative velocity of all member particles/cells. StarMetalFractions Individual abundances: dimensionless ratio of the total mass in that species divided by the total stellar mass, both restricted to stars within twice the stellar half mass radius. StarMetalFractionsHalfRad Same as StarMetalFractions, but restricted to cells within the stellar half mass radius. StarMetalFractionsMaxRad Same as StarMetalFractions, but restricted to stars within the radius of $V_{ m max}$. StarMetallicity
- Mass-weighted average metallicity (Mz/Mtot, where Z = any element above He) of the star particles bound to this Subhalo, but restricted to stars within twice the stellar half mass radius.
StarMetallicityHalfRad Same as SubhaloStarMetallicity, but restricted to stars within the stellar half mass radius. StarMetallicityMaxRad
- Same as SubhaloStarMetallicity, but restricted to stars within the radius of \(V_{max}\).
StellarPhotometrics mag Eight bands: U, B, V, K, g, r, i, z. Magnitudes based on the summed-up luminosities of all the stellar particles of the group. For details on the bands, see snapshot table for stars. StellarPhotometricsMassInRad
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of the mass of the member stellar particles, but restricted to stars within the radius SubhaloStellarPhotometricsRad.
ckpc/h Radius at which the surface brightness profile (computed from all member stellar particles) drops below the limit of 20.7 mag arcsec\(^{-2}\) in the K band (in comoving units).
Vel km/s Peculiar velocity of the group, computed as the sum of the mass weighted velocities of all particles/cells in this group, of all types. No unit conversion is needed. VelDisp
km/s One-dimensional velocity dispersion of all the member particles/cells (the 3D dispersion divided by \(\sqrt{3}\)).
km/s Maximum value of the spherically-averaged rotation curve.
kpc/h Comoving radius of rotation curve maximum (where \(V_{max}\) is achieved).
\(10^{10}M_\odot/h\) Sum of masses of all wind-phase cells in this subhalo (with Type==4 and BirthTime&#60;=0).
pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the dark matter mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
Gas_Spin pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass of all gas relative to the CentreOfMass. HalfMassProjRad pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections). InitialMassWeightedBirthZ
z Mean redshift of formation of stars, weighted by birth mass.
Gyr Mean age of stars, weighted by birth mass.
Stars_Spin pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass relative to the CentreOfMass. StellarInitialMass
Msun Sum of birth masses of all stars.
km s-1 Average one dimensional velocity dispersion of stars.
Msun (km/s)2 Total thermal energy of the gas particles.
Aperture Measurements within a given aperture from the center of potential, available aperture sizes are: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70 and 100 pkpc. Sizes
\({\rm CM}_x\)
\({\rm CM}_y\)
\({\rm CM}_z\)
H He C N O Ne Mg Si Fi total The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals. \(N_{\rm gas}\) \(N_{\rm DM}\) unused tracers \(N_{\rm stars}\) \(N_{\rm BH}\) \(M_{\rm gas}\)
\(M_{\rm DM}\)
\(M_{\rm BH}\)
H He C N O Ne Mg Si Fi total The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals. \(v_x\)
H He C N O Ne Mg Si Fi total The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals. H He C N O Ne Mg Si Fi total The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals. H He C N O Ne Mg Si Fi total The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals. H He C N O Ne Mg Si Fi total The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals. H He C N O Ne Mg Si Fi total The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals. gas
gas dm unused tracers stars bh gas
H He C N O Ne Mg Si Fi total The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals. H He C N O Ne Mg Si Fi total The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals. H He C N O Ne Mg Si Fi total The 'total' of all other (i.e. untracked) metals. U
pkpc km s-1
pkpc km s-1
pkpc km s-1
pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the black hole mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections). This is constructed from the particle masses and not from the subgrid masses.
pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the gas mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the stellar mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
pkpc km s-1
pkpc km s-1
pkpc km s-1
Mass_BH Msun Total (particle) mass of all black holes within the aperture. Mass_DM Msun Total dark matter mass within the aperture. Mass_Gas Msun Total gas mass within the aperture. Mass_Star Msun Total stellar mass within the aperture. SFR yr-1 Star formation rate within the aperture. VelDisp km s-1 Stellar velocity dispersion within the aperture, with respect to the centre of mass of the galaxy. R_halfmass100
pkpc Half mass radius computed for mass within a spherical 100 pkpc aperture.
pkpc Projected half mass radius computed for mass within a 100 pkpc aperture (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
pkpc Half mass radius computed for mass within a spherical 30 pkpc aperture.
pkpc Projected half mass radius computed for mass within a 30 pkpc aperture (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
1 Msun 3 Msun 5 Msun 10 Msun 20 Msun 30 Msun 40 Msun 50 Msun 70 Msun 100 Msun 1 Msun 3 Msun 5 Msun 10 Msun 20 Msun 30 Msun 40 Msun 50 Msun 70 Msun 100 Msun 1 Msun 3 Msun 5 Msun 10 Msun 20 Msun 30 Msun 40 Msun 50 Msun 70 Msun 100 Msun 1 Msun 3 Msun 5 Msun 10 Msun 20 Msun 30 Msun 40 Msun 50 Msun 70 Msun 100 Msun 1 yr-1 3 yr-1 5 yr-1 10 yr-1 20 yr-1 30 yr-1 40 yr-1 50 yr-1 70 yr-1 100 yr-1 1 km s-1 3 km s-1 5 km s-1 10 km s-1 20 km s-1 30 km s-1 40 km s-1 50 km s-1 70 km s-1 100 km s-1