Plot type: Histogram bins the data by a single field and displays count of objects per bin. Heatmap bins the data by two fields and displays count as color. Conditional distribution bins the data by one field and displays the distribution of a second field within that bin as a boxplot (range and quartiles). Shows a scatterplot of a (random subset) of actual data points.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
Count: Choose whether the object count per bin is shown in linear or log scale. Count is shown on the Y axis. Count is shown on the color (Z) axis.
Active Filters
reset all
Use "*" as wildcard
μ : {{filter.aggs.avg?filter.render(filter.aggs.avg):'no data'}}
Examples:{{ bucket.key }}




Select field to filter
Random Sample
Python Query

Example python code to apply the above filters and retrieve data. To use, download and install this module.

Fields Dictionary
Field Variable Type Units Description
simulation simulation byte
snapshot snapshot short Snapshot number containing that halo.
Redshift Redshift float Redshift at which these properties are computed.
type type boolean
GroupID GroupID long Unique identifier of this FoF group. This connects with the associated GroupID from the SubHalo table allowing a link between a galaxy’s SubHalo table and FOF table properties.
FoF float FoF halos
CenterOfPotential float ckpc/h Co-moving position of the minumum of the gravitational potential of the halo.
x FoF_GroupCentreOfPotential_x float ckpc/h x component
y FoF_GroupCentreOfPotential_y float ckpc/h y component
z FoF_GroupCentreOfPotential_z float ckpc/h z component
GroupMass FoF_GroupMass float 10^10 Msun/h Total Friends-of-Friends mass of this halo.
Group_M float 10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius ...
Crit200 FoF_Group_M_Crit200 float 10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Crit200.
Crit2500 FoF_Group_M_Crit2500 float 10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Crit2500.
Crit500 FoF_Group_M_Crit500 float 10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Crit500.
Mean200 FoF_Group_M_Mean200 float 10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Mean200.
Mean2500 FoF_Group_M_Mean2500 float 10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Mean2500.
Mean500 FoF_Group_M_Mean500 float 10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Mean500.
TopHat200 FoF_Group_M_TopHat200 float 10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Tophat200.
Group_R float ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is ...
Crit200 FoF_Group_R_Crit200 float ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 200 times the critical density of the Universe.
Crit2500 FoF_Group_R_Crit2500 float ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 2500 times the critical density of the Universe.
Crit500 FoF_Group_R_Crit500 float ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 500 times the critical density of the Universe.
Mean200 FoF_Group_R_Mean200 float ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 200 times the mean density of the Universe.
Mean2500 FoF_Group_R_Mean2500 float ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 2500 times the mean density of the Universe.
Mean500 FoF_Group_R_Mean500 float ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 500 times the mean density of the Universe.
TopHat200 FoF_Group_R_TopHat200 float ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 18π2+82(Ωm(z)-1)-39(Ωm(z)-1)2
NumOfSubhalos FoF_NumOfSubhalos integer Number of subhaloes (galaxies) identified as belonging to this halo.
RandomNumber FoF_RandomNumber float Random number uniform in the range [0, 1).
Subhalo float
CentreOfMass float ckpc/h Co-moving position of the centre of mass.
x Subhalo_CentreOfMass_x float ckpc/h x component
y Subhalo_CentreOfMass_y float ckpc/h y component
z Subhalo_CentreOfMass_z float ckpc/h z component
CentreOfPotential float ckpc/h Co-moving position of the minimum of the gravitational potential defined by the position of the most bound particle.
x Subhalo_CentreOfPotential_x float ckpc/h x component
y Subhalo_CentreOfPotential_y float ckpc/h y component
z Subhalo_CentreOfPotential_z float ckpc/h z component
DescendantID Subhalo_DescendantID integer GalaxyID of the descendant of this galaxy.
FileNum Subhalo_FileNum short Index of the subfind output file this group is in
GalaxyID Subhalo_GalaxyID integer Unique identifier of each galaxy. This index is used to connect the SubHalo table to the Aperture, Magnitudes and Sizes tables.
GroupID Subhalo_GroupID long Unique identifier of the FoF halo containing this galaxy. This index is used to connect the SubHalo to the parent FoF group
GroupNumber Subhalo_GroupNumber integer Integer number to identify FoF halo. Note that this number is only unique to a given snapshot and should not be used to identify the same halo across multiple outputs.
HalfMassProjRad_DM Subhalo_HalfMassProjRad_DM float pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the dark matter mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
HalfMassRad_DM Subhalo_HalfMassRad_DM float ckpc/h Physical radius enclosing half of the dark matter mass.
Image_ID Subhalo_Image_ID integer Index of the image of this object
KineticEnergy Subhalo_KineticEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total kinetic energy calculated.
LastProgID Subhalo_LastProgID integer GalaxyID of the last progenitor of this galaxy. Used for merger tree traversal.
Mass Subhalo_Mass float 10^10 Msun/h Total current mass of all particles.
MassType_DM Subhalo_MassType_DM float 10^10 Msun/h Total dark matter mass.
MechanicalEnergy Subhalo_MechanicalEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total mechanical energy calculated.
PosInFile Subhalo_PosInFile short Index of this subfind group in the output file
RandomNumber Subhalo_RandomNumber float Random number uniform in the range [0, 1).
SubGroupNumber Subhalo_SubGroupNumber integer Integer number of this galaxy within its FoF halo. Note that this number is only unique to a given snapshot and should not be used to identify the same galaxy across multiple outputs. The condition “SubGroupNumber = 0” can be used to select central galaxies only.
TopLeafID Subhalo_TopLeafID integer GalaxyID of the last progenitor in the main progenitor branch. Used for merger tree traversal.
TotalEnergy Subhalo_TotalEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total energy of the galaxy.
Velocity float km/s Peculiar velocity.
x Subhalo_Velocity_x float km/s x component
y Subhalo_Velocity_y float km/s y component
z Subhalo_Velocity_z float km/s z component
Vmax Subhalo_Vmax float km/s Maximum of the circular velocity rotation curve.
VmaxRadius Subhalo_VmaxRadius float ckpc/h Physical distance relative to the CentreOfPotential at which the circular velocity equals Vmax.
nodeIndex Subhalo_nodeIndex long DHalo merger tree identifier for this object
BlackHoleMass Subhalo_BlackHoleMass float 10^10 Msun/h Total black hole (subgrid) mass. As black holes are seeded in a subgrid fashion they contain both a subgrid and a particle mass, full details of this process can be found in Schaye et al. 2015.
BlackHoleMassAccretionRate Subhalo_BlackHoleMassAccretionRate float 10^10 Msun/h/(0.978Gyr/h) Total instantanious accretion rate of all black holes.
GasSpin float pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass of all gas relative to the CentreOfMass.
x Subhalo_GasSpin_x float pkpc km s-1 x component
y Subhalo_GasSpin_y float pkpc km s-1 y component
z Subhalo_GasSpin_z float pkpc km s-1 z component
HalfMassProjRad float pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the ... (averaged over three orthogonal projections)
BH Subhalo_HalfMassProjRad_BH float pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the black hole mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections). This is constructed from the particle masses and not from the subgrid masses.
Gas Subhalo_HalfMassProjRad_Gas float pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the gas mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
Star Subhalo_HalfMassProjRad_Star float pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the stellar mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
HalfMassRad float ckpc/h Physical radius enclosing half of the ...
BH Subhalo_HalfMassRad_BH float ckpc/h Physical radius enclosing half of the black hole mass. This is constructed from the particle masses and not from the subgrid masses.
Gas Subhalo_HalfMassRad_Gas float ckpc/h Physical radius enclosing half of the gas mass.
Star Subhalo_HalfMassRad_Star float ckpc/h Physical radius enclosing half of the stellar mass.
InitialMassWeightedBirthZ Subhalo_InitialMassWeightedBirthZ float z Mean redshift of formation of stars, weighted by birth mass.
InitialMassWeightedStellarAge Subhalo_InitialMassWeightedStellarAge float Gyr Mean age of stars, weighted by birth mass.
MassType float 10^10 Msun/h Total mass of type...
BH Subhalo_MassType_BH float 10^10 Msun/h Total black hole mass. Note that this is the sum of the particle masses, not of the subgrid black hole masses.
Gas Subhalo_MassType_Gas float 10^10 Msun/h Total gas mass.
Star Subhalo_MassType_Star float 10^10 Msun/h Total stellar mass.
NSF float
Carbon Subhalo_NSF_Carbon float
Helium Subhalo_NSF_Helium float
Hydrogen Subhalo_NSF_Hydrogen float
Iron Subhalo_NSF_Iron float Mass fraction of this element. Note that these are absolute metallicites and do not depend on a solar calibration Z_sun.
IronFromSNIa Subhalo_NSF_IronFromSNIa float Fraction of the total mass in Iron coming from SNIa ejecta.
KineticEnergy Subhalo_NSF_KineticEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total kinetic energy.
Magnesium Subhalo_NSF_Magnesium float
Mass Subhalo_NSF_Mass float Msun Total mass.
MassFromAGB Subhalo_NSF_MassFromAGB float Msun Total mass from AGB ejecta.
MassFromSNII Subhalo_NSF_MassFromSNII float Msun Total mass from massive star and type II SN ejecta.
MassFromSNIa Subhalo_NSF_MassFromSNIa float Msun Total mass from type Ia SN ejecta.
MassWeightedEntropy Subhalo_NSF_MassWeightedEntropy float Mass weighted pseudo entropy.
MassWeightedTemperature Subhalo_NSF_MassWeightedTemperature float K Mass weighted temperature.
Metallicity Subhalo_NSF_Metallicity float Metal mass fraction.
MetalsFromAGB Subhalo_NSF_MetalsFromAGB float Msun Total metal mass originating from AGB ejecta.
MetalsFromSNII Subhalo_NSF_MetalsFromSNII float Msun Total metal mass originating from massive stars and SN Type II ejecta.
MetalsFromSNIa Subhalo_NSF_MetalsFromSNIa float Msun Total metal mass originating from SN Type I ejecta.
Neon Subhalo_NSF_Neon float
Nitrogen Subhalo_NSF_Nitrogen float
Oxygen Subhalo_NSF_Oxygen float
Silicon Subhalo_NSF_Silicon float
Spin float pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass relative to the CentreOfMass.
x Subhalo_NSF_Spin_x float pkpc km s-1 x component
y Subhalo_NSF_Spin_y float pkpc km s-1 y component
z Subhalo_NSF_Spin_z float pkpc km s-1 z component
ThermalEnergy Subhalo_NSF_ThermalEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total thermal energy. This does not exist for Stars.
TotalEnergy Subhalo_NSF_TotalEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total energy.
SF float
Carbon Subhalo_SF_Carbon float
Helium Subhalo_SF_Helium float
Hydrogen Subhalo_SF_Hydrogen float
Iron Subhalo_SF_Iron float Mass fraction of this element. Note that these are absolute metallicites and do not depend on a solar calibration Z_sun.
IronFromSNIa Subhalo_SF_IronFromSNIa float Fraction of the total mass in Iron coming from SNIa ejecta.
KineticEnergy Subhalo_SF_KineticEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total kinetic energy.
Magnesium Subhalo_SF_Magnesium float
Mass Subhalo_SF_Mass float Msun Total mass.
MassFromAGB Subhalo_SF_MassFromAGB float Msun Total mass from AGB ejecta.
MassFromSNII Subhalo_SF_MassFromSNII float Msun Total mass from massive star and type II SN ejecta.
MassFromSNIa Subhalo_SF_MassFromSNIa float Msun Total mass from type Ia SN ejecta.
MassWeightedEntropy Subhalo_SF_MassWeightedEntropy float Mass weighted pseudo entropy.
MassWeightedTemperature Subhalo_SF_MassWeightedTemperature float K Mass weighted temperature.
Metallicity Subhalo_SF_Metallicity float Metal mass fraction.
MetalsFromAGB Subhalo_SF_MetalsFromAGB float Msun Total metal mass originating from AGB ejecta.
MetalsFromSNII Subhalo_SF_MetalsFromSNII float Msun Total metal mass originating from massive stars and SN Type II ejecta.
MetalsFromSNIa Subhalo_SF_MetalsFromSNIa float Msun Total metal mass originating from SN Type I ejecta.
Neon Subhalo_SF_Neon float
Nitrogen Subhalo_SF_Nitrogen float
Oxygen Subhalo_SF_Oxygen float
Silicon Subhalo_SF_Silicon float
Spin float pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass relative to the CentreOfMass.
x Subhalo_SF_Spin_x float pkpc km s-1 x component
y Subhalo_SF_Spin_y float pkpc km s-1 y component
z Subhalo_SF_Spin_z float pkpc km s-1 z component
ThermalEnergy Subhalo_SF_ThermalEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total thermal energy. This does not exist for Stars.
TotalEnergy Subhalo_SF_TotalEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total energy.
Spurious Subhalo_Spurious boolean Value is 1 if the galaxy is an artefact of the subfind algorithm and 0 if the galaxy is a genuine object.
StarFormationRate Subhalo_StarFormationRate float Msun/yr Total star formation rate. This is the mass of stars formed per unit time before any mass loss due to winds and supernovae.
Stars float
Carbon Subhalo_Stars_Carbon float
Helium Subhalo_Stars_Helium float
Hydrogen Subhalo_Stars_Hydrogen float
Iron Subhalo_Stars_Iron float Mass fraction of this element. Note that these are absolute metallicites and do not depend on a solar calibration Z_sun.
IronFromSNIa Subhalo_Stars_IronFromSNIa float Fraction of the total mass in Iron coming from SNIa ejecta.
KineticEnergy Subhalo_Stars_KineticEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total kinetic energy.
Magnesium Subhalo_Stars_Magnesium float
Mass Subhalo_Stars_Mass float 10^10 Msun/h Total mass.
MassFromAGB Subhalo_Stars_MassFromAGB float Msun Total mass from AGB ejecta.
MassFromSNII Subhalo_Stars_MassFromSNII float Msun Total mass from massive star and type II SN ejecta.
MassFromSNIa Subhalo_Stars_MassFromSNIa float Msun Total mass from type Ia SN ejecta.
Metallicity Subhalo_Stars_Metallicity float Metal mass fraction.
MetalsFromAGB Subhalo_Stars_MetalsFromAGB float Msun Total metal mass originating from AGB ejecta.
MetalsFromSNII Subhalo_Stars_MetalsFromSNII float Msun Total metal mass originating from massive stars and SN Type II ejecta.
MetalsFromSNIa Subhalo_Stars_MetalsFromSNIa float Msun Total metal mass originating from SN Type I ejecta.
Neon Subhalo_Stars_Neon float
Nitrogen Subhalo_Stars_Nitrogen float
Oxygen Subhalo_Stars_Oxygen float
Silicon Subhalo_Stars_Silicon float
Spin float pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass relative to the CentreOfMass.
x Subhalo_Stars_Spin_x float pkpc km s-1 x component
y Subhalo_Stars_Spin_y float pkpc km s-1 y component
z Subhalo_Stars_Spin_z float pkpc km s-1 z component
TotalEnergy Subhalo_Stars_TotalEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total energy.
StellarInitialMass Subhalo_StellarInitialMass float Msun Sum of birth masses of all stars.
StellarVelDisp Subhalo_StellarVelDisp float km s-1 Average one dimensional velocity dispersion of stars.
ThermalEnergy Subhalo_ThermalEnergy float Msun (km/s)2 Total thermal energy of the gas particles.
Aperture float Measurements with a certain radius of the aperture from the center of potential, available aperture sizes are: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70 and 100 pkpc.
Mass_BH float Msun Total (particle) mass of all black holes within the aperture.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_1 float Msun
3 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_3 float Msun
5 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_5 float Msun
10 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_10 float Msun
20 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_20 float Msun
30 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_30 float Msun
40 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_40 float Msun
50 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_50 float Msun
70 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_70 float Msun
100 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_BH_100 float Msun
Mass_DM float Msun Total dark matter mass within the aperture.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_1 float Msun
3 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_3 float Msun
5 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_5 float Msun
10 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_10 float Msun
20 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_20 float Msun
30 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_30 float Msun
40 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_40 float Msun
50 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_50 float Msun
70 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_70 float Msun
100 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_DM_100 float Msun
Mass_Gas float Msun Total gas mass within the aperture.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_1 float Msun
3 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_3 float Msun
5 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_5 float Msun
10 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_10 float Msun
20 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_20 float Msun
30 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_30 float Msun
40 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_40 float Msun
50 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_50 float Msun
70 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_70 float Msun
100 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Gas_100 float Msun
Mass_Star float Msun Total stellar mass within the aperture.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_1 float Msun
3 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_3 float Msun
5 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_5 float Msun
10 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_10 float Msun
20 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_20 float Msun
30 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_30 float Msun
40 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_40 float Msun
50 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_50 float Msun
70 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_70 float Msun
100 Subhalo_Aperture_Mass_Star_100 float Msun
SFR float Msun yr-1 Star formation rate within the aperture.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_1 float Msun yr-1
3 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_3 float Msun yr-1
5 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_5 float Msun yr-1
10 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_10 float Msun yr-1
20 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_20 float Msun yr-1
30 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_30 float Msun yr-1
40 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_40 float Msun yr-1
50 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_50 float Msun yr-1
70 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_70 float Msun yr-1
100 Subhalo_Aperture_SFR_100 float Msun yr-1
VelDisp float km s-1 Stellar velocity dispersion within the aperture, with respect to the centre of mass of the galaxy.
1 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_1 float km s-1
3 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_3 float km s-1
5 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_5 float km s-1
10 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_10 float km s-1
20 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_20 float km s-1
30 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_30 float km s-1
40 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_40 float km s-1
50 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_50 float km s-1
70 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_70 float km s-1
100 Subhalo_Aperture_VelDisp_100 float km s-1
DustFit float
Mass_Dust Subhalo_DustFit_Mass_Dust float M☉ Estimated dust mass Mdust.
Temp_Dust Subhalo_DustFit_Temp_Dust float K Estimated representative dust temperature Tdust.
DustyFluxes float
ALMA_10 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_ALMA_10 float Jy ALMA_10 band flux
ALMA_6 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_ALMA_6 float Jy ALMA_6 band flux
ALMA_7 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_ALMA_7 float Jy ALMA_7 band flux
ALMA_8 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_ALMA_8 float Jy ALMA_8 band flux
ALMA_9 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_ALMA_9 float Jy ALMA_9 band flux
GALEX_FUV Subhalo_DustyFluxes_GALEX_FUV float Jy GALEX_FUV band flux
GALEX_FUV_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_GALEX_FUV_e float Jy GALEX_FUV band edge-on flux
GALEX_FUV_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_GALEX_FUV_f float Jy GALEX_FUV band face-on flux
GALEX_NUV Subhalo_DustyFluxes_GALEX_NUV float Jy GALEX_NUV band flux
GALEX_NUV_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_GALEX_NUV_e float Jy GALEX_NUV band edge-on flux
GALEX_NUV_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_GALEX_NUV_f float Jy GALEX_NUV band face-on flux
IRAC_I1 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_IRAC_I1 float Jy IRAC_I1 band flux
IRAC_I2 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_IRAC_I2 float Jy IRAC_I2 band flux
IRAC_I3 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_IRAC_I3 float Jy IRAC_I3 band flux
IRAC_I4 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_IRAC_I4 float Jy IRAC_I4 band flux
IRAS_100 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_IRAS_100 float Jy IRAS_100 band flux
IRAS_12 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_IRAS_12 float Jy IRAS_12 band flux
IRAS_25 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_IRAS_25 float Jy IRAS_25 band flux
IRAS_60 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_IRAS_60 float Jy IRAS_60 band flux
Johnson_B Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_B float Jy Johnson_B band flux
Johnson_B_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_B_e float Jy Johnson_B band edge-on flux
Johnson_B_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_B_f float Jy Johnson_B band face-on flux
Johnson_I Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_I float Jy Johnson_I band flux
Johnson_I_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_I_e float Jy Johnson_I band edge-on flux
Johnson_I_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_I_f float Jy Johnson_I band face-on flux
Johnson_J Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_J float Jy Johnson_J band flux
Johnson_J_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_J_e float Jy Johnson_J band edge-on flux
Johnson_J_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_J_f float Jy Johnson_J band face-on flux
Johnson_M Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_M float Jy Johnson_M band flux
Johnson_R Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_R float Jy Johnson_R band flux
Johnson_R_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_R_e float Jy Johnson_R band edge-on flux
Johnson_R_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_R_f float Jy Johnson_R band face-on flux
Johnson_U Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_U float Jy Johnson_U band flux
Johnson_U_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_U_e float Jy Johnson_U band edge-on flux
Johnson_U_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_U_f float Jy Johnson_U band face-on flux
Johnson_V Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_V float Jy Johnson_V band flux
Johnson_V_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_V_e float Jy Johnson_V band edge-on flux
Johnson_V_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_Johnson_V_f float Jy Johnson_V band face-on flux
MIPS_160 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_MIPS_160 float Jy MIPS_160 band flux
MIPS_24 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_MIPS_24 float Jy MIPS_24 band flux
MIPS_70 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_MIPS_70 float Jy MIPS_70 band flux
PACS_100 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_PACS_100 float Jy PACS_100 band flux
PACS_160 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_PACS_160 float Jy PACS_160 band flux
PACS_70 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_PACS_70 float Jy PACS_70 band flux
SCUBA2_450 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SCUBA2_450 float Jy SCUBA2_450 band flux
SCUBA2_850 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SCUBA2_850 float Jy SCUBA2_850 band flux
SDSS_g Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_g float Jy SDSS_g band flux
SDSS_g_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_g_e float Jy SDSS_g band edge-on flux
SDSS_g_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_g_f float Jy SDSS_g band face-on flux
SDSS_i Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_i float Jy SDSS_i band flux
SDSS_i_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_i_e float Jy SDSS_i band edge-on flux
SDSS_i_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_i_f float Jy SDSS_i band face-on flux
SDSS_r Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_r float Jy SDSS_r band flux
SDSS_r_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_r_e float Jy SDSS_r band edge-on flux
SDSS_r_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_r_f float Jy SDSS_r band face-on flux
SDSS_u Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_u float Jy SDSS_u band flux
SDSS_u_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_u_e float Jy SDSS_u band edge-on flux
SDSS_u_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_u_f float Jy SDSS_u band face-on flux
SDSS_z Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_z float Jy SDSS_z band flux
SDSS_z_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_z_e float Jy SDSS_z band edge-on flux
SDSS_z_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SDSS_z_f float Jy SDSS_z band face-on flux
SPIRE_250 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SPIRE_250 float Jy SPIRE_250 band flux
SPIRE_350 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SPIRE_350 float Jy SPIRE_350 band flux
SPIRE_500 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_SPIRE_500 float Jy SPIRE_500 band flux
TwoMASS_H Subhalo_DustyFluxes_TwoMASS_H float Jy TwoMASS_H band flux
TwoMASS_H_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_TwoMASS_H_e float Jy TwoMASS_H band edge-on flux
TwoMASS_H_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_TwoMASS_H_f float Jy TwoMASS_H band face-on flux
TwoMASS_J Subhalo_DustyFluxes_TwoMASS_J float Jy TwoMASS_J band flux
TwoMASS_J_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_TwoMASS_J_e float Jy TwoMASS_J band edge-on flux
TwoMASS_J_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_TwoMASS_J_f float Jy TwoMASS_J band face-on flux
TwoMASS_Ks Subhalo_DustyFluxes_TwoMASS_Ks float Jy TwoMASS_Ks band flux
TwoMASS_Ks_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_TwoMASS_Ks_e float Jy TwoMASS_Ks band edge-on flux
TwoMASS_Ks_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_TwoMASS_Ks_f float Jy TwoMASS_Ks band face-on flux
UKIDSS_H Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_H float Jy UKIDSS_H band flux
UKIDSS_H_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_H_e float Jy UKIDSS_H band edge-on flux
UKIDSS_H_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_H_f float Jy UKIDSS_H band face-on flux
UKIDSS_J Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_J float Jy UKIDSS_J band flux
UKIDSS_J_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_J_e float Jy UKIDSS_J band edge-on flux
UKIDSS_J_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_J_f float Jy UKIDSS_J band face-on flux
UKIDSS_K Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_K float Jy UKIDSS_K band flux
UKIDSS_K_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_K_e float Jy UKIDSS_K band edge-on flux
UKIDSS_K_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_K_f float Jy UKIDSS_K band face-on flux
UKIDSS_Y Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_Y float Jy UKIDSS_Y band flux
UKIDSS_Y_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_Y_e float Jy UKIDSS_Y band edge-on flux
UKIDSS_Y_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_Y_f float Jy UKIDSS_Y band face-on flux
UKIDSS_Z Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_Z float Jy UKIDSS_Z band flux
UKIDSS_Z_e Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_Z_e float Jy UKIDSS_Z band edge-on flux
UKIDSS_Z_f Subhalo_DustyFluxes_UKIDSS_Z_f float Jy UKIDSS_Z band face-on flux
WISE_W1 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_WISE_W1 float Jy WISE_W1 band flux
WISE_W2 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_WISE_W2 float Jy WISE_W2 band flux
WISE_W3 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_WISE_W3 float Jy WISE_W3 band flux
WISE_W4 Subhalo_DustyFluxes_WISE_W4 float Jy WISE_W4 band flux
DustyMagnitudes float
ALMA_10 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_ALMA_10 float Jy ALMA_10 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
ALMA_6 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_ALMA_6 float Jy ALMA_6 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
ALMA_7 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_ALMA_7 float Jy ALMA_7 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
ALMA_8 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_ALMA_8 float Jy ALMA_8 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
ALMA_9 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_ALMA_9 float Jy ALMA_9 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
GALEX_FUV Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_GALEX_FUV float Jy GALEX_FUV band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
GALEX_FUV_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_GALEX_FUV_e float Jy GALEX_FUV band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
GALEX_FUV_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_GALEX_FUV_f float Jy GALEX_FUV band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
GALEX_NUV Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_GALEX_NUV float Jy GALEX_NUV band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
GALEX_NUV_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_GALEX_NUV_e float Jy GALEX_NUV band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
GALEX_NUV_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_GALEX_NUV_f float Jy GALEX_NUV band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
IRAC_I1 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_IRAC_I1 float Jy IRAC_I1 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
IRAC_I2 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_IRAC_I2 float Jy IRAC_I2 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
IRAC_I3 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_IRAC_I3 float Jy IRAC_I3 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
IRAC_I4 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_IRAC_I4 float Jy IRAC_I4 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
IRAS_100 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_IRAS_100 float Jy IRAS_100 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
IRAS_12 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_IRAS_12 float Jy IRAS_12 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
IRAS_25 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_IRAS_25 float Jy IRAS_25 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
IRAS_60 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_IRAS_60 float Jy IRAS_60 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_B Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_B float Jy Johnson_B band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_B_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_B_e float Jy Johnson_B band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_B_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_B_f float Jy Johnson_B band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_I Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_I float Jy Johnson_I band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_I_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_I_e float Jy Johnson_I band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_I_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_I_f float Jy Johnson_I band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_J Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_J float Jy Johnson_J band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_J_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_J_e float Jy Johnson_J band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_J_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_J_f float Jy Johnson_J band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_M Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_M float Jy Johnson_M band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_R Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_R float Jy Johnson_R band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_R_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_R_e float Jy Johnson_R band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_R_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_R_f float Jy Johnson_R band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_U Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_U float Jy Johnson_U band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_U_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_U_e float Jy Johnson_U band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_U_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_U_f float Jy Johnson_U band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_V Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_V float Jy Johnson_V band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_V_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_V_e float Jy Johnson_V band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Johnson_V_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_Johnson_V_f float Jy Johnson_V band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
MIPS_160 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_MIPS_160 float Jy MIPS_160 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
MIPS_24 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_MIPS_24 float Jy MIPS_24 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
MIPS_70 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_MIPS_70 float Jy MIPS_70 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
PACS_100 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_PACS_100 float Jy PACS_100 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
PACS_160 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_PACS_160 float Jy PACS_160 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
PACS_70 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_PACS_70 float Jy PACS_70 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SCUBA2_450 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SCUBA2_450 float Jy SCUBA2_450 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SCUBA2_850 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SCUBA2_850 float Jy SCUBA2_850 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_g Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_g float Jy SDSS_g band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_g_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_g_e float Jy SDSS_g band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_g_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_g_f float Jy SDSS_g band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_i Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_i float Jy SDSS_i band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_i_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_i_e float Jy SDSS_i band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_i_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_i_f float Jy SDSS_i band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_r Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_r float Jy SDSS_r band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_r_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_r_e float Jy SDSS_r band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_r_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_r_f float Jy SDSS_r band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_u Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_u float Jy SDSS_u band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_u_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_u_e float Jy SDSS_u band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_u_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_u_f float Jy SDSS_u band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_z Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_z float Jy SDSS_z band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_z_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_z_e float Jy SDSS_z band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SDSS_z_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SDSS_z_f float Jy SDSS_z band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SPIRE_250 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SPIRE_250 float Jy SPIRE_250 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SPIRE_350 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SPIRE_350 float Jy SPIRE_350 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
SPIRE_500 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_SPIRE_500 float Jy SPIRE_500 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
TwoMASS_H Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_TwoMASS_H float Jy TwoMASS_H band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
TwoMASS_H_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_TwoMASS_H_e float Jy TwoMASS_H band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
TwoMASS_H_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_TwoMASS_H_f float Jy TwoMASS_H band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
TwoMASS_J Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_TwoMASS_J float Jy TwoMASS_J band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
TwoMASS_J_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_TwoMASS_J_e float Jy TwoMASS_J band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
TwoMASS_J_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_TwoMASS_J_f float Jy TwoMASS_J band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
TwoMASS_Ks Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_TwoMASS_Ks float Jy TwoMASS_Ks band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
TwoMASS_Ks_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_TwoMASS_Ks_e float Jy TwoMASS_Ks band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
TwoMASS_Ks_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_TwoMASS_Ks_f float Jy TwoMASS_Ks band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_H Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_H float Jy UKIDSS_H band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_H_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_H_e float Jy UKIDSS_H band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_H_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_H_f float Jy UKIDSS_H band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_J Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_J float Jy UKIDSS_J band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_J_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_J_e float Jy UKIDSS_J band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_J_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_J_f float Jy UKIDSS_J band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_K Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_K float Jy UKIDSS_K band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_K_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_K_e float Jy UKIDSS_K band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_K_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_K_f float Jy UKIDSS_K band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_Y Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_Y float Jy UKIDSS_Y band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_Y_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_Y_e float Jy UKIDSS_Y band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_Y_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_Y_f float Jy UKIDSS_Y band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_Z Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_Z float Jy UKIDSS_Z band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_Z_e Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_Z_e float Jy UKIDSS_Z band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
UKIDSS_Z_f Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_UKIDSS_Z_f float Jy UKIDSS_Z band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
WISE_W1 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_WISE_W1 float Jy WISE_W1 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
WISE_W2 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_WISE_W2 float Jy WISE_W2 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
WISE_W3 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_WISE_W3 float Jy WISE_W3 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
WISE_W4 Subhalo_DustyMagnitudes_WISE_W4 float Jy WISE_W4 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Magnitudes float
H_nodust Subhalo_Magnitudes_H_nodust float mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the H band without dust attenuation.
J_nodust Subhalo_Magnitudes_J_nodust float mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the J band without dust attenuation.
K_nodust Subhalo_Magnitudes_K_nodust float mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the K band without dust attenuation.
Y_nodust Subhalo_Magnitudes_Y_nodust float mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the Y band without dust attenuation.
g_nodust Subhalo_Magnitudes_g_nodust float mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the g band without dust attenuation.
i_nodust Subhalo_Magnitudes_i_nodust float mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the i band without dust attenuation.
r_nodust Subhalo_Magnitudes_r_nodust float mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the r band without dust attenuation.
u_nodust Subhalo_Magnitudes_u_nodust float mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the u band without dust attenuation.
z_nodust Subhalo_Magnitudes_z_nodust float mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the z band without dust attenuation.
MorphoKinem float
DMEllipticity Subhalo_MorphoKinem_DMEllipticity float Dark matter ellipticity from the iterative reduced inertia tensor.
DiscToTotal Subhalo_MorphoKinem_DiscToTotal float Stellar disc-to-total ratio from counter-rotation.
DispAnisotropy Subhalo_MorphoKinem_DispAnisotropy float Stellar velocity dispersion anisotropy.
Ellipticity Subhalo_MorphoKinem_Ellipticity float Stellar ellipticity from the iterative reduced inertia tensor.
KappaCoRot Subhalo_MorphoKinem_KappaCoRot float Stellar counter-rotating kinetic energy fraction.
MedOrbitCircu Subhalo_MorphoKinem_MedOrbitCircu float Stellar median orbital circularity.
RotToDispRatio Subhalo_MorphoKinem_RotToDispRatio float Stellar velocity rotation-to-dispersion ratio.
Triaxiality Subhalo_MorphoKinem_Triaxiality float Stellar triaxiality from the iterative reduced inertia tensor.
ParticleCounts float
Count_Dust Subhalo_ParticleCounts_Count_Dust integer Number of (sub-)particles Ndust representing the galaxy's body of dust
Count_Star Subhalo_ParticleCounts_Count_Star integer Number of (sub-)particles Nstar representing the galaxy's stellar sources
Sizes float
R_halfmass100 Subhalo_Sizes_R_halfmass100 float pkpc Half mass radius computed for mass within a spherical 100 pkpc aperture.
R_halfmass100_projected Subhalo_Sizes_R_halfmass100_projected float pkpc Projected half mass radius computed for mass within a 100 pkpc aperture (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
R_halfmass30 Subhalo_Sizes_R_halfmass30 float pkpc Half mass radius computed for mass within a spherical 30 pkpc aperture.
R_halfmass30_projected Subhalo_Sizes_R_halfmass30_projected float pkpc Projected half mass radius computed for mass within a 30 pkpc aperture (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
About Catalog

The EAGLE simulations of galaxy formation combined FoF Halo and Subfind Subhalo (Galaxies) catalogs. Extensive details about these simulations and the data available here are available at

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Raw Data
simulation snapshot Snapshot number containing that halo. Redshift Redshift at which these properties are computed. type GroupID Unique identifier of this FoF group. This connects with the associated GroupID from the SubHalo table allowing a link between a galaxy’s SubHalo table and FOF table properties. FoF FoF halos Subhalo
CenterOfPotential ckpc/h Co-moving position of the minumum of the gravitational potential of the halo. GroupMass
10^10 Msun/h Total Friends-of-Friends mass of this halo.
Group_M 10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius ... Group_R ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is ... NumOfSubhalos Number of subhaloes (galaxies) identified as belonging to this halo. RandomNumber Random number uniform in the range [0, 1). CentreOfMass ckpc/h Co-moving position of the centre of mass. CentreOfPotential ckpc/h Co-moving position of the minimum of the gravitational potential defined by the position of the most bound particle. DescendantID GalaxyID of the descendant of this galaxy. FileNum Index of the subfind output file this group is in GalaxyID Unique identifier of each galaxy. This index is used to connect the SubHalo table to the Aperture, Magnitudes and Sizes tables. GroupID Unique identifier of the FoF halo containing this galaxy. This index is used to connect the SubHalo to the parent FoF group GroupNumber Integer number to identify FoF halo. Note that this number is only unique to a given snapshot and should not be used to identify the same halo across multiple outputs. HalfMassProjRad_DM
pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the dark matter mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
ckpc/h Physical radius enclosing half of the dark matter mass.
Image_ID Index of the image of this object KineticEnergy
Msun (km/s)2 Total kinetic energy calculated.
LastProgID GalaxyID of the last progenitor of this galaxy. Used for merger tree traversal. Mass
10^10 Msun/h Total current mass of all particles.
10^10 Msun/h Total dark matter mass.
Msun (km/s)2 Total mechanical energy calculated.
PosInFile Index of this subfind group in the output file RandomNumber Random number uniform in the range [0, 1). SubGroupNumber Integer number of this galaxy within its FoF halo. Note that this number is only unique to a given snapshot and should not be used to identify the same galaxy across multiple outputs. The condition “SubGroupNumber = 0” can be used to select central galaxies only. TopLeafID GalaxyID of the last progenitor in the main progenitor branch. Used for merger tree traversal. TotalEnergy
Msun (km/s)2 Total energy of the galaxy.
Velocity km/s Peculiar velocity. Vmax
km/s Maximum of the circular velocity rotation curve.
ckpc/h Physical distance relative to the CentreOfPotential at which the circular velocity equals Vmax.
nodeIndex DHalo merger tree identifier for this object BlackHoleMass
10^10 Msun/h Total black hole (subgrid) mass. As black holes are seeded in a subgrid fashion they contain both a subgrid and a particle mass, full details of this process can be found in Schaye et al. 2015.
10^10 Msun/h/(0.978Gyr/h) Total instantanious accretion rate of all black holes.
GasSpin pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass of all gas relative to the CentreOfMass. HalfMassProjRad pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the ... (averaged over three orthogonal projections) HalfMassRad ckpc/h Physical radius enclosing half of the ... InitialMassWeightedBirthZ
z Mean redshift of formation of stars, weighted by birth mass.
Gyr Mean age of stars, weighted by birth mass.
MassType 10^10 Msun/h Total mass of type... NSF SF Spurious Value is 1 if the galaxy is an artefact of the subfind algorithm and 0 if the galaxy is a genuine object. StarFormationRate
Msun/yr Total star formation rate. This is the mass of stars formed per unit time before any mass loss due to winds and supernovae.
Stars StellarInitialMass
Msun Sum of birth masses of all stars.
km s-1 Average one dimensional velocity dispersion of stars.
Msun (km/s)2 Total thermal energy of the gas particles.
Aperture Measurements with a certain radius of the aperture from the center of potential, available aperture sizes are: 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70 and 100 pkpc. DustFit DustyFluxes DustyMagnitudes Magnitudes MorphoKinem ParticleCounts Sizes
ckpc/h x component
ckpc/h y component
ckpc/h z component
10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Crit200.
10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Crit2500.
10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Crit500.
10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Mean200.
10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Mean2500.
10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Mean500.
10^10 Msun/h Total mass within radius Group_R_Tophat200.
ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 200 times the critical density of the Universe.
ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 2500 times the critical density of the Universe.
ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 500 times the critical density of the Universe.
ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 200 times the mean density of the Universe.
ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 2500 times the mean density of the Universe.
ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 500 times the mean density of the Universe.
ckpc/h Physical radius within which density is 18π2+82(Ωm(z)-1)-39(Ωm(z)-1)2
ckpc/h x component
ckpc/h y component
ckpc/h z component
ckpc/h x component
ckpc/h y component
ckpc/h z component
km/s x component
km/s y component
km/s z component
pkpc km s-1 x component
pkpc km s-1 y component
pkpc km s-1 z component
pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the black hole mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections). This is constructed from the particle masses and not from the subgrid masses.
pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the gas mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
pkpc Projected physical radius enclosing half of the stellar mass (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
ckpc/h Physical radius enclosing half of the black hole mass. This is constructed from the particle masses and not from the subgrid masses.
ckpc/h Physical radius enclosing half of the gas mass.
ckpc/h Physical radius enclosing half of the stellar mass.
10^10 Msun/h Total black hole mass. Note that this is the sum of the particle masses, not of the subgrid black hole masses.
10^10 Msun/h Total gas mass.
10^10 Msun/h Total stellar mass.
Carbon Helium Hydrogen Iron Mass fraction of this element. Note that these are absolute metallicites and do not depend on a solar calibration Z_sun. IronFromSNIa Fraction of the total mass in Iron coming from SNIa ejecta. KineticEnergy
Msun (km/s)2 Total kinetic energy.
Magnesium Mass
Msun Total mass.
Msun Total mass from AGB ejecta.
Msun Total mass from massive star and type II SN ejecta.
Msun Total mass from type Ia SN ejecta.
MassWeightedEntropy Mass weighted pseudo entropy. MassWeightedTemperature
K Mass weighted temperature.
Metallicity Metal mass fraction. MetalsFromAGB
Msun Total metal mass originating from AGB ejecta.
Msun Total metal mass originating from massive stars and SN Type II ejecta.
Msun Total metal mass originating from SN Type I ejecta.
Neon Nitrogen Oxygen Silicon Spin pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass relative to the CentreOfMass. ThermalEnergy
Msun (km/s)2 Total thermal energy. This does not exist for Stars.
Msun (km/s)2 Total energy.
Carbon Helium Hydrogen Iron Mass fraction of this element. Note that these are absolute metallicites and do not depend on a solar calibration Z_sun. IronFromSNIa Fraction of the total mass in Iron coming from SNIa ejecta. KineticEnergy
Msun (km/s)2 Total kinetic energy.
Magnesium Mass
Msun Total mass.
Msun Total mass from AGB ejecta.
Msun Total mass from massive star and type II SN ejecta.
Msun Total mass from type Ia SN ejecta.
MassWeightedEntropy Mass weighted pseudo entropy. MassWeightedTemperature
K Mass weighted temperature.
Metallicity Metal mass fraction. MetalsFromAGB
Msun Total metal mass originating from AGB ejecta.
Msun Total metal mass originating from massive stars and SN Type II ejecta.
Msun Total metal mass originating from SN Type I ejecta.
Neon Nitrogen Oxygen Silicon Spin pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass relative to the CentreOfMass. ThermalEnergy
Msun (km/s)2 Total thermal energy. This does not exist for Stars.
Msun (km/s)2 Total energy.
Carbon Helium Hydrogen Iron Mass fraction of this element. Note that these are absolute metallicites and do not depend on a solar calibration Z_sun. IronFromSNIa Fraction of the total mass in Iron coming from SNIa ejecta. KineticEnergy
Msun (km/s)2 Total kinetic energy.
Magnesium Mass
10^10 Msun/h Total mass.
Msun Total mass from AGB ejecta.
Msun Total mass from massive star and type II SN ejecta.
Msun Total mass from type Ia SN ejecta.
Metallicity Metal mass fraction. MetalsFromAGB
Msun Total metal mass originating from AGB ejecta.
Msun Total metal mass originating from massive stars and SN Type II ejecta.
Msun Total metal mass originating from SN Type I ejecta.
Neon Nitrogen Oxygen Silicon Spin pkpc km s-1 Total angular momentum per unit mass relative to the CentreOfMass. TotalEnergy
Msun (km/s)2 Total energy.
Mass_BH Msun Total (particle) mass of all black holes within the aperture. Mass_DM Msun Total dark matter mass within the aperture. Mass_Gas Msun Total gas mass within the aperture. Mass_Star Msun Total stellar mass within the aperture. SFR Msun yr-1 Star formation rate within the aperture. VelDisp km s-1 Stellar velocity dispersion within the aperture, with respect to the centre of mass of the galaxy. Mass_Dust
M☉ Estimated dust mass Mdust.
K Estimated representative dust temperature Tdust.
Jy ALMA_10 band flux
Jy ALMA_6 band flux
Jy ALMA_7 band flux
Jy ALMA_8 band flux
Jy ALMA_9 band flux
Jy GALEX_FUV band flux
Jy GALEX_FUV band edge-on flux
Jy GALEX_FUV band face-on flux
Jy GALEX_NUV band flux
Jy GALEX_NUV band edge-on flux
Jy GALEX_NUV band face-on flux
Jy IRAC_I1 band flux
Jy IRAC_I2 band flux
Jy IRAC_I3 band flux
Jy IRAC_I4 band flux
Jy IRAS_100 band flux
Jy IRAS_12 band flux
Jy IRAS_25 band flux
Jy IRAS_60 band flux
Jy Johnson_B band flux
Jy Johnson_B band edge-on flux
Jy Johnson_B band face-on flux
Jy Johnson_I band flux
Jy Johnson_I band edge-on flux
Jy Johnson_I band face-on flux
Jy Johnson_J band flux
Jy Johnson_J band edge-on flux
Jy Johnson_J band face-on flux
Jy Johnson_M band flux
Jy Johnson_R band flux
Jy Johnson_R band edge-on flux
Jy Johnson_R band face-on flux
Jy Johnson_U band flux
Jy Johnson_U band edge-on flux
Jy Johnson_U band face-on flux
Jy Johnson_V band flux
Jy Johnson_V band edge-on flux
Jy Johnson_V band face-on flux
Jy MIPS_160 band flux
Jy MIPS_24 band flux
Jy MIPS_70 band flux
Jy PACS_100 band flux
Jy PACS_160 band flux
Jy PACS_70 band flux
Jy SCUBA2_450 band flux
Jy SCUBA2_850 band flux
Jy SDSS_g band flux
Jy SDSS_g band edge-on flux
Jy SDSS_g band face-on flux
Jy SDSS_i band flux
Jy SDSS_i band edge-on flux
Jy SDSS_i band face-on flux
Jy SDSS_r band flux
Jy SDSS_r band edge-on flux
Jy SDSS_r band face-on flux
Jy SDSS_u band flux
Jy SDSS_u band edge-on flux
Jy SDSS_u band face-on flux
Jy SDSS_z band flux
Jy SDSS_z band edge-on flux
Jy SDSS_z band face-on flux
Jy SPIRE_250 band flux
Jy SPIRE_350 band flux
Jy SPIRE_500 band flux
Jy TwoMASS_H band flux
Jy TwoMASS_H band edge-on flux
Jy TwoMASS_H band face-on flux
Jy TwoMASS_J band flux
Jy TwoMASS_J band edge-on flux
Jy TwoMASS_J band face-on flux
Jy TwoMASS_Ks band flux
Jy TwoMASS_Ks band edge-on flux
Jy TwoMASS_Ks band face-on flux
Jy UKIDSS_H band flux
Jy UKIDSS_H band edge-on flux
Jy UKIDSS_H band face-on flux
Jy UKIDSS_J band flux
Jy UKIDSS_J band edge-on flux
Jy UKIDSS_J band face-on flux
Jy UKIDSS_K band flux
Jy UKIDSS_K band edge-on flux
Jy UKIDSS_K band face-on flux
Jy UKIDSS_Y band flux
Jy UKIDSS_Y band edge-on flux
Jy UKIDSS_Y band face-on flux
Jy UKIDSS_Z band flux
Jy UKIDSS_Z band edge-on flux
Jy UKIDSS_Z band face-on flux
Jy WISE_W1 band flux
Jy WISE_W2 band flux
Jy WISE_W3 band flux
Jy WISE_W4 band flux
Jy ALMA_10 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy ALMA_6 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy ALMA_7 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy ALMA_8 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy ALMA_9 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy GALEX_FUV band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy GALEX_FUV band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy GALEX_FUV band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy GALEX_NUV band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy GALEX_NUV band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy GALEX_NUV band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy IRAC_I1 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy IRAC_I2 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy IRAC_I3 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy IRAC_I4 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy IRAS_100 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy IRAS_12 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy IRAS_25 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy IRAS_60 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_B band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_B band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_B band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_I band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_I band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_I band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_J band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_J band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_J band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_M band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_R band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_R band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_R band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_U band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_U band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_U band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_V band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_V band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy Johnson_V band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy MIPS_160 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy MIPS_24 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy MIPS_70 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy PACS_100 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy PACS_160 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy PACS_70 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SCUBA2_450 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SCUBA2_850 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_g band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_g band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_g band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_i band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_i band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_i band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_r band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_r band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_r band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_u band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_u band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_u band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_z band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_z band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SDSS_z band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SPIRE_250 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SPIRE_350 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy SPIRE_500 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy TwoMASS_H band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy TwoMASS_H band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy TwoMASS_H band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy TwoMASS_J band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy TwoMASS_J band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy TwoMASS_J band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy TwoMASS_Ks band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy TwoMASS_Ks band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy TwoMASS_Ks band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_H band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_H band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_H band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_J band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_J band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_J band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_K band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_K band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_K band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_Y band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_Y band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_Y band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_Z band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_Z band edge-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy UKIDSS_Z band face-on absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy WISE_W1 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy WISE_W2 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy WISE_W3 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
Jy WISE_W4 band absolute rest frame AB magnitude
mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the H band without dust attenuation.
mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the J band without dust attenuation.
mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the K band without dust attenuation.
mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the Y band without dust attenuation.
mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the g band without dust attenuation.
mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the i band without dust attenuation.
mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the r band without dust attenuation.
mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the u band without dust attenuation.
mag Rest-frame absolute magnitude (AB) in the z band without dust attenuation.
DMEllipticity Dark matter ellipticity from the iterative reduced inertia tensor. DiscToTotal Stellar disc-to-total ratio from counter-rotation. DispAnisotropy Stellar velocity dispersion anisotropy. Ellipticity Stellar ellipticity from the iterative reduced inertia tensor. KappaCoRot Stellar counter-rotating kinetic energy fraction. MedOrbitCircu Stellar median orbital circularity. RotToDispRatio Stellar velocity rotation-to-dispersion ratio. Triaxiality Stellar triaxiality from the iterative reduced inertia tensor. Count_Dust Number of (sub-)particles Ndust representing the galaxy's body of dust Count_Star Number of (sub-)particles Nstar representing the galaxy's stellar sources R_halfmass100
pkpc Half mass radius computed for mass within a spherical 100 pkpc aperture.
pkpc Projected half mass radius computed for mass within a 100 pkpc aperture (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
pkpc Half mass radius computed for mass within a spherical 30 pkpc aperture.
pkpc Projected half mass radius computed for mass within a 30 pkpc aperture (averaged over three orthogonal projections).
x pkpc km s-1 x component y pkpc km s-1 y component z pkpc km s-1 z component x pkpc km s-1 x component y pkpc km s-1 y component z pkpc km s-1 z component x pkpc km s-1 x component y pkpc km s-1 y component z pkpc km s-1 z component 1 Msun 3 Msun 5 Msun 10 Msun 20 Msun 30 Msun 40 Msun 50 Msun 70 Msun 100 Msun 1 Msun 3 Msun 5 Msun 10 Msun 20 Msun 30 Msun 40 Msun 50 Msun 70 Msun 100 Msun 1 Msun 3 Msun 5 Msun 10 Msun 20 Msun 30 Msun 40 Msun 50 Msun 70 Msun 100 Msun 1 Msun 3 Msun 5 Msun 10 Msun 20 Msun 30 Msun 40 Msun 50 Msun 70 Msun 100 Msun 1 Msun yr-1 3 Msun yr-1 5 Msun yr-1 10 Msun yr-1 20 Msun yr-1 30 Msun yr-1 40 Msun yr-1 50 Msun yr-1 70 Msun yr-1 100 Msun yr-1 1 km s-1 3 km s-1 5 km s-1 10 km s-1 20 km s-1 30 km s-1 40 km s-1 50 km s-1 70 km s-1 100 km s-1