Plot type: Histogram bins the data by a single field and displays count of objects per bin. Heatmap bins the data by two fields and displays count as color. Conditional distribution bins the data by one field and displays the distribution of a second field within that bin as a boxplot (range and quartiles). Shows a scatterplot of a (random subset) of actual data points.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
For log functionality, set the filter to enable only positive values.
Count: Choose whether the object count per bin is shown in linear or log scale. Count is shown on the Y axis. Count is shown on the color (Z) axis.
Active Filters
reset all
Use "*" as wildcard
μ : {{filter.aggs.avg?filter.render(filter.aggs.avg):'no data'}}
Examples:{{ bucket.key }}




Select field to filter
Random Sample
Python Query

Example python code to apply the above filters and retrieve data. To use, download and install this module.

Fields Dictionary
Field Variable Type Units Description
field field byte CANDELS field (COSMOS, EGS, GOODS-N, GOODS-S, UDS)
id ID integer CANDELS object ID
RA RA float degrees Right Ascension
DEC DEC float degrees Declination
U_abmag U_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame U-band magnitude
U_eabmag U_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed from U-band magnitude
ACS_F435_abmag ACS_F435_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in ACS_F435W filter
ACS_F435_eabmag ACS_F435_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in ACS_F435W filter
ACS_F606_abmag ACS_F606_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in ACS F606W filter
ACS_F606_eabmag ACS_F606_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in ACS F606W filter
ACS_F775_abmag ACS_F775_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in ACS F775W filter
ACS_F775_eabmag ACS_F775_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in ACS F775W filter
ACS_F814_abmag ACS_F814_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in ACS F814W filter
ACS_F814_eabmag ACS_F814_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in ACS F814W filter
ACS_F850_abmag ACS_F850_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in ACS F850W filter
ACS_F850_eabmag ACS_F850_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in ACS F850W filter
WFC3_F098_abmag WFC3_F098_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F098M filter
WFC3_F098_eabmag WFC3_F098_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F098M filter
WFC3_F105_abmag WFC3_F105_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F105W filter
WFC3_F105_eabmag WFC3_F105_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F105W filter
WFC3_F125_abmag WFC3_F125_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F125W filter
WFC3_F125_eabmag WFC3_F125_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F125W filter
WFC3_F140_abmag WFC3_F140_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F140W filter
WFC3_F140_eabmag WFC3_F140_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F140W filter
WFC3_F160_abmag WFC3_F160_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F160W filter
WFC3_F160_eabmag WFC3_F160_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F160W filter
WFC3_F275_abmag WFC3_F275_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F275W filter
WFC3_F275_eabmag WFC3_F275_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F275W filter
K_abmag K_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in observed K-band
K_eabmag K_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in observed K-band
IRAC_CH1_abmag IRAC_CH1_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch1
IRAC_CH1_eabmag IRAC_CH1_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch1
IRAC_CH2_abmag IRAC_CH2_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch2
IRAC_CH2_eabmag IRAC_CH2_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch2
IRAC_CH3_abmag IRAC_CH3_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch3
IRAC_CH3_eabmag IRAC_CH3_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch3
IRAC_CH4_abmag IRAC_CH4_abmag float AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch4
IRAC_CH4_eabmag IRAC_CH4_eabmag float AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch4
ztype ztype byte dimensionless type of redshift for z best
zbest zbest float dimensionless Best estimate of the redshift
zmed zmed float dimensionless median photometric redshift
zlow zlow float dimensionless 16th percentile of z phot PDF
zhigh zhigh float dimensionless 84th percentile of z phot PDF
U_rest_eazy U_rest_eazy float AB mags Rest-frame U band magnitude derived with EAZY
V_rest_eazy V_rest_eazy float AB mags Rest-frame V band magnitude derived with EAZY
R_rest_eazy R_rest_eazy float AB mags Rest-frame R band magnitude derived with EAZY
I_rest_eazy I_rest_eazy float AB mags Rest-frame I band magnitude derived with EAZY
J_rest_eazy J_rest_eazy float AB mags Rest-frame J band magnitude derived with EAZY
H_rest_eazy H_rest_eazy float AB mags Rest-frame H band magnitude derived with EAZY
K_rest_eazy K_rest_eazy float AB mags Rest-frame K band magnitude derived with EAZY
UV1500_rest_eazy UV1500_rest_eazy float AB mags Rest-frame UV1500 Angstrom band magnitude derived with EAZY
UV2300_rest_eazy UV2300_rest_eazy float AB mags Rest-frame UV2300 Angstrom band magnitude derived with EAZY
UV2800_rest_eazy UV2800_rest_eazy float AB mags Rest-frame UV2800 Angstrom band magnitude derived with EAZY
FLAGS_galactic FLAGS_galactic byte Galfit flag in F160W band
re re float arcsec Galfit effective radius in F160W band
dre dre float arcsec uncertainty in galfit effective radius in F160W band
n n float galfit Sersic index in F160W band
dn dn float uncertainty in galfit Sersic index in F160W band
q q float galfit b/a (minor to major axis ratio) in F160W band
dq dq float uncertainty in b/a
pa pa float galfit position angle in F160W band
dpa dpa float uncertainty in galfit position angle
sn sn float galfit S/N integrated over the F160W segmentation region
logM_P12_50 logM_P12_50 float log [Msun] log10 Median stellar mass at observation
logMt_P12_50 logMt_P12_50 float log [Msun] log10 Median stellar mass formed over the galaxy's history
logSFR_P12_50 logSFR_P12_50 float log [Msun/yr] log10 median SFR in the last 10 Myr
logAGE_P12_50 logAGE_P12_50 float log [Gyr] log10 median light weighted age
logha_P12_50 logha_P12_50 float log ? Median Halpha flux
VJ_P12_50 VJ_P12_50 float magnitudes Median V-J color (AB)
UV_P12_50 UV_P12_50 float magnitudes Median U-V color (AB)
AV_P12_50 AV_P12_50 float magnitudes median dust attenuation in V band
AFUV_P12_50 AFUV_P12_50 float magnitudes median dust attenuation in FUV band
ANUV_P12_50 ANUV_P12_50 float magnitudes median dust attenuation in NUV band
logM_P12_16 logM_P12_16 float log [Msun] 16th percentile (log) stellar mass at observation
logMt_P12_16 logMt_P12_16 float log [Msun] 16th percentile (log) stellar mass formed
logSFR_P12_16 logSFR_P12_16 float log [Msun/yr] 16th percentile SFR in the last 10Myr
logAGE_P12_16 logAGE_P12_16 float log [Gyr] 16th percentile light weighted age
logha_P12_16 logha_P12_16 float ? 16th percentile Halpha flux
VJ_P12_16 VJ_P12_16 float magnitudes 16th percentile V-J color
UV_P12_16 UV_P12_16 float magnitudes 16th percentile U-V color
AV_P12_16 AV_P12_16 float magnitudes 16th percentile dust attenuation in V band
AFUV_P12_16 AFUV_P12_16 float magnitudes 16th percentile dust attenuation in FUV band
ANUV_P12_16 ANUV_P12_16 float magnitudes 16th percentile dust attenuation in NUV band
logM_P12_84 logM_P12_84 float log [Msun] 84th percentile (log) stellar mass at observation
logMt_P12_84 logMt_P12_84 float log [Msun] 84th percentile (log) stellar mass formed
logSFR_P12_84 logSFR_P12_84 float log [Msun/yr] 84th percentile SFR in the last 10Myr
logAGE_P12_84 logAGE_P12_84 float log [Gyr] 84th percentile light weighted age
logha_P12_84 logha_P12_84 float ? 84th percentile Halpha flux
VJ_P12_84 VJ_P12_84 float magnitudes 84th percentile V-J color
UV_P12_84 UV_P12_84 float magnitudes 84th percentile U-V color
AV_P12_84 AV_P12_84 float magnitudes 84th percentile dust attenuation in V band
AFUV_P12_84 AFUV_P12_84 float magnitudes 84th percentile dust attenuation in V band
ANUV_P12_84 ANUV_P12_84 float magnitudes 84th percentile dust attenuation in V band
red_chi_P12 red_chi_P12 float Reduced chi^2 of fit (good<5)
nbands_P12 nbands_P12 byte number of bands fitted (good>=10)
FLAGS_P12 FLAGS_P12 boolean Zbest_flag (good=red_chi<5 and nbands>=10)
Log_mass_zPhot Log_mass_zPhot float log [Msun] Best-fit stellar mass
SFR_zPhot SFR_zPhot float Msun/yr best-fit SFR
age_zPhot age_zPhot float Gyr best-fit age
E_BminusV_zPhot E_BminusV_zPhot float magnitudes Best-fit E(B-V)
U_zPhot U_zPhot float magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in U band (Vega)
B_zPhot B_zPhot float magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in B band (Vega)
V_zPhot V_zPhot float magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in V band (Vega)
R_zPhot R_zPhot float magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in R band (Vega)
I_zPhot I_zPhot float magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in I band (Vega)
J_zPhot J_zPhot float magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in J band (Vega)
K_zPhot K_zPhot float magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in K band (Vega)
SFRTOTf SFRTOTf float Msun/yr either SFR^corr_UV or SFR_IR + SFR^obs_UV for IR detected sources
LIMMAG_F160W LIMMAG_F160W float magnitudes Limiting magnitude for a point source in F160W
RMS RMS float RMS value
About Catalog

The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Survey (CANDELS) "theory friendly" observational catalog.

Data Release: 2019-12-13.

More under:

Active Filters



Raw Data
field CANDELS field (COSMOS, EGS, GOODS-N, GOODS-S, UDS) id CANDELS object ID RA degrees Right Ascension DEC degrees Declination U_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame U-band magnitude U_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed from U-band magnitude ACS_F435_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in ACS_F435W filter ACS_F435_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in ACS_F435W filter ACS_F606_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in ACS F606W filter ACS_F606_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in ACS F606W filter ACS_F775_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in ACS F775W filter ACS_F775_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in ACS F775W filter ACS_F814_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in ACS F814W filter ACS_F814_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in ACS F814W filter ACS_F850_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in ACS F850W filter ACS_F850_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in ACS F850W filter WFC3_F098_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F098M filter WFC3_F098_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F098M filter WFC3_F105_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F105W filter WFC3_F105_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F105W filter WFC3_F125_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F125W filter WFC3_F125_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F125W filter WFC3_F140_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F140W filter WFC3_F140_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F140W filter WFC3_F160_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F160W filter WFC3_F160_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F160W filter WFC3_F275_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F275W filter WFC3_F275_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in WFC3 F275W filter K_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in observed K-band K_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in observed K-band IRAC_CH1_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch1 IRAC_CH1_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch1 IRAC_CH2_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch2 IRAC_CH2_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch2 IRAC_CH3_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch3 IRAC_CH3_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch3 IRAC_CH4_abmag AB magnitudes observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch4 IRAC_CH4_eabmag AB magnitudes uncertainty in observed frame magnitude in IRAC ch4 ztype dimensionless type of redshift for z best zbest dimensionless Best estimate of the redshift zmed dimensionless median photometric redshift zlow dimensionless 16th percentile of z phot PDF zhigh dimensionless 84th percentile of z phot PDF U_rest_eazy AB mags Rest-frame U band magnitude derived with EAZY V_rest_eazy AB mags Rest-frame V band magnitude derived with EAZY R_rest_eazy AB mags Rest-frame R band magnitude derived with EAZY I_rest_eazy AB mags Rest-frame I band magnitude derived with EAZY J_rest_eazy AB mags Rest-frame J band magnitude derived with EAZY H_rest_eazy AB mags Rest-frame H band magnitude derived with EAZY K_rest_eazy AB mags Rest-frame K band magnitude derived with EAZY UV1500_rest_eazy AB mags Rest-frame UV1500 Angstrom band magnitude derived with EAZY UV2300_rest_eazy AB mags Rest-frame UV2300 Angstrom band magnitude derived with EAZY UV2800_rest_eazy AB mags Rest-frame UV2800 Angstrom band magnitude derived with EAZY FLAGS_galactic Galfit flag in F160W band re arcsec Galfit effective radius in F160W band dre arcsec uncertainty in galfit effective radius in F160W band n galfit Sersic index in F160W band dn uncertainty in galfit Sersic index in F160W band q galfit b/a (minor to major axis ratio) in F160W band dq uncertainty in b/a pa galfit position angle in F160W band dpa uncertainty in galfit position angle sn galfit S/N integrated over the F160W segmentation region logM_P12_50 log [Msun] log10 Median stellar mass at observation logMt_P12_50 log [Msun] log10 Median stellar mass formed over the galaxy's history logSFR_P12_50 log [Msun/yr] log10 median SFR in the last 10 Myr logAGE_P12_50 log [Gyr] log10 median light weighted age logha_P12_50 log ? Median Halpha flux VJ_P12_50 magnitudes Median V-J color (AB) UV_P12_50 magnitudes Median U-V color (AB) AV_P12_50 magnitudes median dust attenuation in V band AFUV_P12_50 magnitudes median dust attenuation in FUV band ANUV_P12_50 magnitudes median dust attenuation in NUV band logM_P12_16 log [Msun] 16th percentile (log) stellar mass at observation logMt_P12_16 log [Msun] 16th percentile (log) stellar mass formed logSFR_P12_16 log [Msun/yr] 16th percentile SFR in the last 10Myr logAGE_P12_16 log [Gyr] 16th percentile light weighted age logha_P12_16 ? 16th percentile Halpha flux VJ_P12_16 magnitudes 16th percentile V-J color UV_P12_16 magnitudes 16th percentile U-V color AV_P12_16 magnitudes 16th percentile dust attenuation in V band AFUV_P12_16 magnitudes 16th percentile dust attenuation in FUV band ANUV_P12_16 magnitudes 16th percentile dust attenuation in NUV band logM_P12_84 log [Msun] 84th percentile (log) stellar mass at observation logMt_P12_84 log [Msun] 84th percentile (log) stellar mass formed logSFR_P12_84 log [Msun/yr] 84th percentile SFR in the last 10Myr logAGE_P12_84 log [Gyr] 84th percentile light weighted age logha_P12_84 ? 84th percentile Halpha flux VJ_P12_84 magnitudes 84th percentile V-J color UV_P12_84 magnitudes 84th percentile U-V color AV_P12_84 magnitudes 84th percentile dust attenuation in V band AFUV_P12_84 magnitudes 84th percentile dust attenuation in V band ANUV_P12_84 magnitudes 84th percentile dust attenuation in V band red_chi_P12 Reduced chi^2 of fit (good<5) nbands_P12 number of bands fitted (good>=10) FLAGS_P12 Zbest_flag (good=red_chi<5 and nbands>=10) Log_mass_zPhot log [Msun] Best-fit stellar mass SFR_zPhot Msun/yr best-fit SFR age_zPhot Gyr best-fit age E_BminusV_zPhot magnitudes Best-fit E(B-V) U_zPhot magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in U band (Vega) B_zPhot magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in B band (Vega) V_zPhot magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in V band (Vega) R_zPhot magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in R band (Vega) I_zPhot magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in I band (Vega) J_zPhot magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in J band (Vega) K_zPhot magnitudes Best-fit rest-frame magnitude in K band (Vega) SFRTOTf Msun/yr either SFR^corr_UV or SFR_IR + SFR^obs_UV for IR detected sources LIMMAG_F160W magnitudes Limiting magnitude for a point source in F160W RMS RMS value